Category: Bike Touring

Test your bicycling mettle on Brasstown Bald Buster

Win at Brasstown Bald, and you have a better than even chance of winning the Tour de Georgia. Just ask Tom Danielson, the Discovery cycling team rider who won the mountain stage and took home the title last year.

Pro cyclists will toil up Brasstown Bald, left, on Saturday this year. For us mere mortals, several North Georgia groups sponsor the annual Brasstown Bald Buster Century featuring 12,000 feet of elevation gain over 100 miles. The ride starts early on May 6 in Helen, Georgia. …

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Catching up with some bike tour riders

Climate change researcher, three family members on one bike, friend of firefighters. Let's update the adventures of some bicycle tourists who have appeared in Biking Bis over the past months.

David Kroodsma, the cycling climatologist, has pedaled through El Salvador and entered Hondorus — completing about one-third of his on his bike tour to the tip of South America. …

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Missouri bicycling news isn't all bad

A few days ago I posted a piece about feeling more fear and loathing in Missouri during my TransAmerican bike ride in 1984 than anywhere else and refered to my journal of the bike trip.

The Missouri Bicycle Federation picked up on it and linked to its own list of news and stories regarding some other black eyes to the state's bicycling reputation. It also mentioned some positive developments. …

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“Swimming with the sharks” on a bike in Missouri

I don't know anyplace where bicyclists are immune to getting honked at or verbally assaulted while out on a bike ride. I've had my share of run-ins up here in the “laid-back” Pacific NW.
Some places are worse than others, though. In the 20 or so states I've bicycled in, I'd say Missouri — on my cross-country bicycle trip in 1984 — scared me the most. I even wrote about it in my TransAmerica journal at the time.
The Missouri Bicycle Federation came across this letter in the Joplin (Missouri) Globe from a cyclist whose had his share of bad experiences:

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Group bike tours in Maine, Nebraska, Iowa

I thought fans of multi-day group bicycle tours in Maine might be out of luck this year after the Maine Wheels Bicycle Club announced it was taking a year off from both its Moose Tour and Coastal Tour in 2006.

But there's still the Trek Across Maine, a three-day supported bike tour across 180 miles of blue highways. It's a fund-raiser for the Maine Lung Association and 1,400 cyclists already have signed up, representing more than a quarter million dollars in pledges. It's just one of more than 70 multi-day bike tours this year …

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Metal-plated cyclist training for 1,000-mile bike tour in Europe

Gavin Rees, who boasts that he has more metal in his head than anyone else in Europe, is planning a summer fund-raising bike tour from the UK to L'Alpe D'Huez.

The 29-year-old teacher has 24 titanium plates and 131 screws in his head. The metal was put in to reconstruct his skull after he fell more than 100 feet after colliding with his friend while skiing in the Alps. …

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Get your cycling kicks on Route 66

Cyclists who want to taste a small slice of Americana at 12 to 14 mph might be happy to know that the League of Illinois Bicyclists and the state have published a map of Illinois' Route 66 Trail.

Roger Kramer's Favorite Cycling Tours brings us the news that the maps with north to south (Chicago to St. Louis) cue sheets are available online.

For safety reasons, much of the 380-mile route doesn't actually use Old Route 66. You can't get many kicks if you're worried about getting run down on a busy highway. …

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Three for the road — family to bicycle cross-country on a triplet

A Florida family is taking to the road this spring to bicycle from their  home to Washington state to prove “you can do anything.”

Ron and Kate Nunes, with their 6-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, right, are pursuing the cross-country bicycle tour to raise awareness and funds for a group that offers support for orphanages in China. …

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Donor gives $1,500-plus for first cycling rights through Pennsylvania tunnel

How much would you pay to be the first bicyclist to pedal through a newly completed tunnel on a major rail-to-trail network?

An anonymous donor has ponied up $1,576 for the honor to ride a bicycle through the soon-to-be completed Big Savage Tunnel on the Allegheny Highlands Trail in Pennsylvania. But the donor isn't making the ride; it's a gift to a cyclist who will be named at the April 8 grand opening ceremony.

The Big Savage Tunnel is a 3,300-foot-long cut …

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Cycling the new East Lake Sammamish Trail near Seattle

There's nothing like being one of the first cyclists on a new bike path to instill that pioneering spirit.

After hearing from the Cascade Bicycle Club that the 11-mile East Lake Sammamish Trail between Issaquah and Remond was set for an opening ceremony Tuesday, I thought I'd head out there early.

I found a packed gravel trail — I'd call it a bike path but walkers and joggers were using it too — that had very few tires mark running through it. …

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