Category: Bike Touring

More Bike Touring at TransAmerica Bike Tour 1984 …

You can read the journals my friend and I wrote on our 1984 cross-country bicycle tour. See the index at TransAmerican Bicycle Tour.

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Cross-country bike ride on a recumbent

A 58-year-old Virginia farmer has finished his cross-country bike tour from San Diego to St. Augustine from the seat of a recumbent bicycle.

Why a recumbent? Chris Parish, left, says it eased the strain on his neck and arms, which suffer from arthritis. Also, it's the bike he got in a trade for a bale of hay. Why did he do it? “A lot of people ask me that, and I have no good answer.” …

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Heinz Stucke gets his ride back; he can continue bike tour

World cyclist Heinz Stucke is back in the saddle again after his bicycle was stolen earlier in the week. An unidentified person found his stolen bicycle in a park in Portsmouth, England, and notified police.

The 66-year-old German has been travelling around the world since 1962 — 44 years. The only thing more amazing than that feat is that he's done it all on the same bicycle. …

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44-year worldwide bicycle tour interrupted by theft

The record-setting around-the-world bicycle life-journey of Heinz Stücke has come to a dead stop in Portsmouth, UK, where his bike was stolen this week.

This is not any old bike. This three-speed is the one Stücke has ridden to nearly every country on Earth since he embarked on the 335,000 journey from his home in Germany in 1962. …

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Cycling to support the volunteers

A 57-year-old former phys ed teacher has finished her 800-mile ride from Evansville, Indiana, to Eunice, Louisiana.

It's not a bike ride that follows any established bicycle routes. But it was the most direct route from Becky Jones' home to the small Louisiana town that nearly doubled its population with evacuees from last fall's hurricanes. …

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Do you often forget anniversaries?

You won't want to forget this one. Thirty years ago marked the first of the TransAmerican bicycle tours that coincided with the celebrations surrounding the Bicentennial year.

This summer the Adventure Cycling Association is throwing birthday bashes in several cities to celebrate the year that 4,100 cyclists took to the road to prove that two wheels are better than four. …

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Tragedy strikes women-only bike tour

You might remember a short mention in Biking Bis back in February about a group of nearly two dozen women who were setting out for a cross-country bicycle tour in March.

One of the cyclists, Laraine Lagattolla, was struck by a car and killed instantly in Cleveland, Texas, as she bicycled to her hotel. The driver of the SUV making a right turn apparently did not see Lagattolla riding at the side of the road, according to newspaper accounts. …

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75-year-old cyclist tackles RAGBRAI again

Bill Wilcox's day usually includes a 10- to 20-mile bike ride. That's how the retired West Virginian engineer stays in shape to ride RAGBRAI this summer.

Wilcox, 75, of Shepherdstown has ridden the 500-mile, week-long Iowa bike tour for the past 12 years. He usually rides with this two son's-in-law, although he has biked it alone — just Wilcox and 10,000 to 12,000 other bicycle enthusiasts. …

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Machete bandits plague Latin America bike tours

The world is not always a friendly place for bicycle tourists.

Two pairs of cyclists wrote first hand reports in their bike journal blogs of being harassed recently in Latin America by locals armed with machetes. In one case the two bike riders lost a pannier to the bandits, who patted them down with the blunt ends of their weapons. …

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Bike-maker Cannondale is 35 years old

What member of the cycling industry got its start in a loft in a pickle factory? That would be Cannondale in 1971 when it began making bicycle trailers in Connecticut.

Twelve years later it introduced its first bicycle, a touring model. I remember it well because my friend bought one for our TransAmerica tour the following year (that's Bruce and his Cannondale in Virginia), and I think it's still sitting in his basement. …

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