Category: Bike Touring

Bad things can happen on good bicycle tours — 5 examples

You have to take the bad with the good, and that certainly goes for week-long, cross-state bicycle tours.

Whether there are 200 or 2,000 cyclists on these organized bicycling events, don't be surprised if a few things don't go to your liking. It takes years for the organizers to work out the kinks, and even then things crop up that nobody could expect. Plus, there are plenty of annoyances over which they have no control …

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Why bicycling is better than climbing Mount Everest

Once again there's horrifying news from Mt. Everest. It's bad enough that some 14 climbers have died trying to reach the summit of Earth's highest peak this year. What's worse is that some were merely abandoned by their fellow climbers on the way to the summit.

Maybe it's too many years as a Boy Scout, but I just can't understand that mentality.

How many times have you seen a cyclist at the side of the road fiddling with his or her bike. “Everything all right?” “Need anything?” “You OK?” …

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Bicycling Route 666 — a hellish ride

Today is June 6, 2006. Also known as 6/6/06, or just plain “666” — the day from hell. I've had my share of days from hell, but many people are expecting some major calamities on this one.

Imagine, I thought, if you were to bicycle on Highway 666 on 6/6/06. 

I remembered Highway 666 from the cross-country bicycle tour my friend and I took in 1984. I dove into my box of tattered maps and soon located the New Mexico map. Inspecting closely, I found the devilish red line marking Highway 666. …

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Bicycling the Natchez Trace

Back in the early '80s I took a solo bicycle tour down a portion of the Natchez Trace in Tennessee down into Alabama. I didn't keep a journal on my down-and-back bike tour, but I have a few vivid memories:

— Singing to myself as I pedaled along a little-used two-lane road through beautiful rolling countryside …

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Bicycling Beyond City Limits

A California cyclist has published his memoirs from a 1992 cross-country bicycle tour in the book, “Bicycling Beyond City Limits.”

Michael Foley and five other young bicyclists from Chico met each other at a weekly ride and decided to embark on the journey. The 55-day bike tour took them across 10 states and 3,300 miles from Chico to Santee, South Carolina. …

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8 ways to sleep cheap on your next bicycle tour

On any long distance bicycle tour, lodging could easily be the biggest expense. When you're at home, you don't think twice about taking a hot shower after your 50-mile ride, plopping down on your soft couch or taking a nice nap in front of the TV.

Do that on a long bike tour and you'll soon be taking out a second mortgage on that home. Here are 8 suggestions from that harshest teacher of all, personal experience, and things I've read about touring on the cheap. …

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10 bicycle touring tips gleaned from cross-country trip

I remember reading some how-to articles about bicycle touring before my friend Bruce and I took off on our cross-country bicycle trip in 1984. Quite a few things I didn't learn until we got out on the road and talked to other cyclists or bike hosts, like the Cookie Lady or Lazy Louie, or experienced first hand.

Here are my suggestions you might not always find in a how-to bike tour book:

Keep clean, especially your most tender parts. Cycling shorts are a heated petri dish for bacteria …

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Ditty Bops go on (bicycle) tour

When the Los Angeles-based Ditty Bops say they're taking their show on the road, they're talking about a long-distance bike tour.

The girl band duo is known for their love of bicycles; now they're combining the tour to promote their new CD — Moon Over the Freeway — with a cross-country bike ride. …

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Bicycling the Erie Canal; pave it and they will come

The Erie Canal in New York state may have been known as Clinton's Folly when it opened in 1825, but the canalway has turned into a boon for cyclists and those who cater to them.

Nearly 250 miles of canal route towpaths between Buffalo and Albany has been paved for cyclists, who spend between $100 to $300 a day during their visits, according to the state Canal Corporation. …

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Quote: The lonely life of a 44-year bike ride

“You need female companionship sometimes, but this is another person. And that's too bad because you have to deal with another person. …

“I've had many little affairs. Now, it's more complicated: I'm 66, and on a bicycle, and I sleep in a tent …”

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