Category: Bike Touring

NPS rolls back proposed user and camping fees on C&O Canal Towpath

A plan to charge an annual fee to bicyclists and other users along the entire length of the 184.5-mile C&O Canal Towpath has been abandoned by the National Park Service.

The park service, which administers the trail that links Washington DC and Cumberland, MD, also is dropping plans to charge a $20 per night fees …

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Helpful Montana couple honored in Bike Travel Awards

It must be difficult these days for the Adventure Cycling Association to decide who to honor in its annual Bike Travel Awards.

More people than ever are being nominated for awards associated with helping touring bicyclists get down the road. Alison Riley, awards committee chair, said they received 60 nominations for the 4 awards this year.

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41st Biking Across Kansas announces route

Can’t really say why, but some of my best memories of bicycling across the US come from Kansas. Maybe it’s the wide open spaces and one century-day after another. That positive vibe was reinforced when I returned with my son to ride the 2011 Biking Across Kansas.

So I’m always interested when 2015 B.A.K. announces …

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McClinchy Mile bike ride to memorialize victims of Oso landslide on March 15

An annual early season bicycle ride in Snohomish County has been renamed the McClinchy Mile Oso Strong Ride as a memorial to people and communities affected by last year’s tragic Oso landslide.

The bike ride is Sunday, March 15, 2015, and comprises 34- or 56-mile options from Arlington to Darrington and back along the Stillaguamish River.

More information: …

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Proposed Route 66 bike route stalls at California border; contact Caltrans

The song says Route 66 “winds from Chicago to LA, more than two thousand miles all the way. …”

The Adventure Cycling Association’s bicycle route version of that famous highway corridor, however, doesn’t make it to LA. It’s stalled at Needles, California.

That’s because Caltrans won’t give bicycles legal access to use a 144-mile stretch of Interstate …

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2015 RAGBRAI: Sioux City to Davenport and optional gravel

It’s official. Organizers of Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) announced on Saturday that this year’s route would start in Sioux City and end in Davenport.

It’s the first time those cities have been the bookends for the grand-daddy of all across-state bicycle tours since the first RAGBRAI in 1973.

The expected 10,000-plus cyclists in …

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Bike touring scholarships offered by Adventure Cycling Association

If you can earn a scholarship to attend college, why not for other types of higher learning — such as bicycle touring?

The Adventure Cycling Association is offering two scholarships for young adults aged 18-25 to attend one of its educational courses this year.

The recipients will receive the costs of traveling to the course …

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National Park Service proposes entrance/camping fees for C&O Canal Towpath

[Update: Feb. 10, 2015 — NPS rolls back proposed fees on C&O Canal Towpath] Bicyclists using the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Towpath, one of the most popular bike touring trails in the nation, are facing new user fees along the entire length of the 184.5-mile trail from Washington DC to Cumberland, Maryland.

Also, a $20 per night fee would …

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Vintage global bicycle tour photos on display at UCLA

We’ve all probably seen photos, slides and digital images taken on bicycle tours. But an exhibition at the Fowler Museum at UCLA displays amazing photographs taken by two early bicycle explorers traveling in the Middle East more than 100 years ago.

Entitled “Round Trip: Bicycle Asia Minor 1891”, the exhibition features photos taken by  Americans William Sachtleben …

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Images from a four-continent bicycle tour

The global bicycle travels of  photographer Paul Jeurissen and writer Grace Johnson are presented in photos in a newly released, free e-book entitled “Bicycling Around the World.”

“Wherever we go, we search out bike culture, dramatic landscapes and remote places,” Grace writes. “By the end of this book, we hope you’ll agree that the world …

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