Category: Bike Touring

June biking stats: keeping my nose to the bike trail

One of the Seattle area's great summer treats are wild blackberries, which take over abandoned lots, roadsides and bike path rights of way.

They're tasty come late August and September, but think kudzu with thorns the rest of the growing season. A shoot can grow 30 feet in a year, and blackberry plants alongside bike paths can send prickly obstacles through fences.

That's how I ran afoul of a thorny shoot on a gloomy evening, looking down to check my gears and glancing up just in time to get raked across my nose by a blackberry branch. Boy, did that hurt. I hate it when that happens. …

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Bicycle riders needed for Virginia charity event

The Battle of North Valley's Hills bike ride in Virginia is reducing its sign-up fees as 50 more bicyclists are needed to register for the inaugural bicycling event over the next two weeks.

Organizers for the fund-raising ride for One Step Closer, a Strasburg-based group that modifies homes for special needs families, admit they got a late start and missed the deadlines for notices and advertising in most cycling publications. If they don't get 30 more registered riders by Friday and a total of 50 by July 13, they'll lose access to some of the rest stops and entertainment for the ride.

The bicycling event is based out of Strasburg in the Shenandoah Valley and runs July 27 – 29 …

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New Pacific NW bike ride: High Pass Challenge

Are you looking for the end-of-season challenge to test your bicycling fitness? If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you might consider the High Pass Challenge presented by the Cascade Bicycle Club.

Offered by the Seattle-based bicycle club for the first time in 2007, the Challenge is a 120-mile, one-day bike ride that features 7,500 feet of elevation gain.

Cyclists will begin in Packwood, Washington, between 7 and 8 a.m. on Sept. 23, and climb Independence Pass, pedal past Spirit Lake and arrive at the Windy Ridge Viewpoint of the Mount St. Helens blast zone in the national monument. …

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Tell Kentucky official your dog-attack stories

If there's one thing that Kentucky is known for among cross-country bicyclists, it's the dogs.

When my friend and I rode through there on our TransAmerica bike tour back in 1984, I remember pedaling some rural areas where the baying hounds would telegraph our passage right on down the road.

Barking isn't the problem, however. It's the chasing and biting.

Kentucky's bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, Tiffani Jackson, wants to learn more about this problem. Adventure Cycling Association notes in a recent edition of “Bike Bits” that she wants cyclists to contact her about about cyclist-dog encounters “so I can start to show people how big of a problem dogs are here in the state.” …

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Falling tent injures riders on Ride the Rockies

Bike riders at the 2007 Ride the Rockies will surely remember this as the Earth, Wind and Fire tour.

The earth would be the four soaring mountain passes they crossed in 7 days of cycling. The 1,000-acre wildlife blaze the cyclists passed Wednesday would be the fire.

And the micro-burst that blew down a large party tent, injuring three to five people, on Thursday at the Aspen encampment would be the wind. …

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Special events with Lance Armstrong during RAGBRAI

Lance Armstrong is riding the entire RAGBRAI bicycle tour this summer and is making off-the-bike appearances at a special event for youths in Spencer and a concert in Cedar Falls.

After the first stage, which ends Sunday, July 22, in Spencer, Armstrong is scheduled to meet with registered youth participants (under 21) on the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. He'll answer their questions about his journey through life …

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Ride the Rockies cyclist recovering from car collision; wildfire won't interrupt bike ride

The 22nd annual Ride the Rockies bike ride ended early for a 52-year-old Littleton man when a car made a left turn in front of him as he sped down Rabbit Ears Pass on Sunday.

Meanwhile, authorities are saying that the New Castle wildfire that spread to 1,000 acres Tuesday afternoon won't affect the 2,000-person bike tour.

The cyclist, Kent Lewis, smashed into the passenger side of the vehicle and was taken to Yampa Valley Medical Center where he was treated for cuts and bruises and released on Monday. …

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Wildfire might force detour for Ride the Rockies

Organizers of the 2007 Ride the Rockies might be forced to detour 2,000 bicyclists around a wildfire on Wednesday on the 36-mile stage from Rifle to Glenwood Springs.

The so-called New Castle fire, which started Sunday, has scorched 350 acres about 10 miles west of Glenwood Springs. Some 200 firefighters, with air tanker support, were expected to be fighting the blaze by Tuesday night because it is threatening hundreds of homes.

The route for Ride the Rockies passes right through the fire zone, reports Greg Moody with CBS4 in Denver, and tour organizers were considering two options. …

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81-year-old's inspiring bike tour is a lifestyle; not a one-time event

If you're looking for inspiration to get on the bike, look no further than Bill Anderson.

The 81-year-old cyclist from Yuma is pedaling the 2,000-mile perimeter of Arizona over the next two weeks to raise money for Yuma's Crossroads Mission, a charity for the homeless.

This would be quite a feat for someone half his age, but for Anderson it's pretty much par for the course. The former boxer, WWII vet and construction executive is an excellent example of how a lifetime of exercise can keep someone active for many years. …

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Ride for Climate USA bike tour

It's not unusual for cyclists to keep an eye on the weather during bicycle tours, but Bill Bradlee and David Kroodsma are more interested in long-term climate changes.

That's because the two are talking about those inconvenient truths on their around-the-US bicycle tour to raise awareness about energy efficiency, renewable energy and other solutions to global warming.

The Ride for Climate USA left Boston in late April and is currently making its way across windswept Wisconsin. Along the way, Bradlee and Kroodsma have talked about climate change to school children, climate activist groups, media, and people who they meet along they way. …

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