The province of Quebec is opening the longest network of bicycle paths in North America with the ribbon-cutting of La Route Verte this month.
Under development since 1995, the Green Route stretches from one end of the French-speaking province to the other. It encompasses 2,695 miles of bike lanes, trails, and abandoned railway right-of-ways that touch 320 towns and cities.
Bicycle tourists can take short tours from base cities, or do the entire route from the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region in the west to the spectacular Gaspe Peninsula in the east. The route brushes the US for access from New York, Vermont and Maine….
An autopsy has confirmed that a 31-year-old Calgary woman was killed by a black bear while on a mountain biking trip at the Panorama Mountain Resort in eastern British Columbia.
The body of Robin Kochorek was found about a half kilometer off one of the resort's marked trails last Sunday. A small brown-nosed black bear was guarding the woman's body.
It's easy for forget how powerful, dangerous, and unpredictable these bears can be…
Maybe RAGBRAI XXXV is in danger of becoming LAGBRAI II at times, but that's OK if the issue is the fight against cancer.
Presidential candidate John Edwards rode with Lance Armstrong on Wednesday, following a convertible packed with media and surrounded by a pack of riders about 50 deep.
Edwards, who said he's only ridden a bicycle one or two times in 20 years, is the only presidential candidate to accept Armstrong's invitation to ride with him for a spell in RAGBRAI …
Democractic hopeful John Edwards became the first candidate in the 2008 presidential race to declare his intention to ride a bicycle with Lance Armstrong at RAGBRAI.
The US senator from North Carolina, and 2006 VP candidate, said he'll join Armstrong in Hampton on Wednesday on the ride to Cedar Falls, the location of an evening fund-raiser concert for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
Sure, Edwards is probably looking for some support in the Iowa caucuses coming up early in 2008. But his wife, Elizabeth, suffers from breast cancer and the couple say they admire Armstrong for surviving cancer and his efforts to call attention to the disease …
Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong will have quite a large contingent for his bike ride across Iowa this week, but Matthew McConaughey will not be in the group.
The Texas-born actor is in the pack with Armstrong when it comes to goofing off and doing some light bicycling, but he won't be found on the 477-mile RAGBRAI that starts Sunday.
Armstrong told the Des Moines Register, “He would never ride in a group of people like that. He'd be scared to death. For all you ladies, I hate to break it to you…
The eight host cities along the route of the 2007 Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, which begins Sunday, will roll out the red carpet when 8,000 – 10,000 cyclists roll into their towns.
These cities are offering more than the “cow pie bingo” contest that 1,000 Cycle Around Maryland riders were treated to one year in Federalsburg. (The event drew a big crowd, but the hosts must have chosen the only cow on the Eastern Shore with constipation. In contrast, we CAM cyclists blew out the host high school's septic drainage field.)
The biggest draw for this year's RAGBRAI will probably be out on the road where Lance Armstrong is riding the entire route. Event host Des Moines Register has a RAGBRAI interactive map at its website this year where riders can post their Lance sightings, as well as check out services along the route …..
A 24-year-old Seattle cyclist was listed in fair condition at Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center in Portland Sunday night after he was struck by an SUV on Route 30 on the second leg of his Seattle-to-Portland bike ride.
Witnesses told police that the SUV veered out of its lane, struck Gerald (Gerry) Marvin from behind about 9:20 a.m., stopped briefly, then drove away. The force of the collision caused Marvin to knock over two other cyclists, who were taken to the hospital for observation. (The two were later identified as Michael J. Ball, 47, of Gresham, and Mark W. Tribble, 33, of Seattle.)
A St. Helens police officer stopped Daniel B. Whittlinger, 40, of Portland …
It's not often that I'm a spectator to thousands of bicyclists pedaling past, but I bicycled over to the first leg of the Seattle to Portland bike ride this morning to soak up the ambience.
This is the 28th running of the STP, organized by the Cascade Bicycle Club. It's a 202-miler from Seattle to Portland that can be ridden in one or two days.
The mostly flat route — there are just two or three good climbs — makes it possible for a wide cross-section of recreational cyclists. Cascade cut off registrations at 9,000 this year. Some of the statistics….
Eighty-two college students are seeing America from the slow lane this year, bicycling cross-country to raise money on behalf of people with disabilities.
The Journey of Hope members left from Seattle and San Francisco in three separate bike tours to ride northern, southern and central routes to Washington DC. They're expecting to raise about $500,000.
No sleeping in late for these guys. They hit the road early, cover an average 75 miles, then do some activities with people with disabilities in a host town or work on a volunteer project. It should be quite an interesting tale for “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” essays. …
This review originally appeared in the Nov/Dec 2024 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine. Click here to learn more. After years of producing high-end carbon bike components, ENVE finally decided to […] The post The Mother Lode: A Long-term Review of the ENVE MOG appeared first on Adventure Cycling Association.
You don’t have to plan your bikepacking trip months in advance, but it certainly doesn’t hurt — especially if you want to tackle a long ride overseas. Here’s a general […] The post The Complete Bikepacking Trip-Planning Checklist appeared first on Adventure Cycling Association.
Lighthouses jutting out of cliffs. Fresh Atlantic lobster. Colossal forests of spruce and fir. Maine conjures a lot of romantic images, and if you love vast timberland and quiet small […] The post The Ultimate Bike Travel Guide to Maine’s USBRS 1 appeared first on Adventure Cycling Association.
Last week, senators introduced a bill that would siphon funding away from bike lane projects to instead fund off-road recreational trails projects, including all-terrain vehicle trails. This is not how… The post Say NO to Senate Recreational Trails Program Full Funding Act appeared first on League of American Bicyclists.
In this month’s spotlight, we’re excited to connect with Tina Beecham — Shero of her local San Antonio, Texas chapter of Black Girls Do Bike. In addition to regular rides throughout… The post Club Leader Spotlight: Tina Beecham appeared first on League of American Bicyclists.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The League of American Bicyclists is proud to recognize 39 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Businesses (BFBs) and four Honorable Mentions in its latest award round. This… The post Investing in Biking Pays Off: 39 Bicycle Friendly Businesses Recognized by the League of American Bicyclists appeared first on League of American Bicyclists.
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