Category: Bike Touring
A 43-year woman who inspired many by her unwillingness to give in to cancer died at her home in central England on Monday.
Jane Tomlinson's accomplishments were highlighted in this blog last year after she undertook a cross-country bicycle tour in the US that later became a documentary — “Jane Tomlinson: Across the USA.”
Tomlinson learned she had breast cancer in 1990 and was told in 2000 that she had only months to live. She battled the odds with aggressive treatment as well as participating in endurance sports …
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Although September's cooler weather means it's been dubbed “Century Month,” there aren't many long rides planned for this Labor Day weekend. There are some exceptions I've found in Georgia and Pennsylvania:
Atlanta One Love Century
One is sponsored by the Metro Atlanta Cycling Club. The One Love Century begins Saturday at Stonewall Tell Elementary School and follows a course through south Fulton, Rico, Palmetto, and Cowetta County. Includes maps, cue sheets, T-shirts, etc. For information, check the One Love Century registration (.pdf).
MACC was founded in 1987 with the noble mission to “promote cycling in the black community and build camaraderie among all cyclists.” They do this by sponsoring rides and taking road trips to the Hotter'n Hell (next is Aug. 23, 2008) in Texas and Seagull Century (Oct. 6) in Maryland….
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A bicyclist from Scotland is out on the road to try and beat the record for an around-the-world bicycle tour of 276 days, 19 hours and 15 minutes.
Mark Beaumont of Fife set off from the Champs-Elysees in Paris on August 5 to set a new world record in under 210 days.
There's no sag wagon to carry Beaumont's stuff or help him over the high passes. Beaumont is lugging more than 66 pounds of gear on the 18,000-mile expedition on his bike, a Koga-Miyata Signature ….
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I was rewarded with a quite a shock recently when I stumbled across the Preston-Snoqualimie bike trail while bicycling in eastern King County.
On bicycle maps, the trail looks like it doesn't go anywhere, ending at a dead end in the forest. But that dead end affords a spectacular view across the Snoqualmie Valley to Snoqualmie Falls and the Salish Lodge against the backdrop of Mount Si.
The 5-mile rail-to-trail is part of the old Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern Railroad. It was built in 1890 and abandoned in 1974. I encountered as many day hikers as cyclists on this trail. …
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Bruce Friedland at bpfphotography
Here's an inside view of the Big Savage Tunnel on the Great Allegheny Passage trail that runs for 150 miles from Cumberland, Maryland, to Pittsburgh.
My cross-country cycling companion took the picture while riding through it on a visit to his hometown in Western Maryland recently.
The completion of the rail-to-trail bike path through this old railroad tunnel was one of the last obstacles before the GAP opened last year. …
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When I first wrote about Thomas Beasley in 2005, the cyclist was in the midst of his 53rd cross-country bicycle tour and said it might be his last.
Two years later and Beasley is still bicycling. And he's still saying it's his last tour. We'll see.
The 39-year-old is riding to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. So far he has raised $108,715 and logged more than 197,000 miles……
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Usually I lurk in a Wi-Fi enabled public library and do some freelancing or blogging while my daughter attends summer camp.
Facing a limited number of bicycling days, I took advantage of some rare sunny, dry, mild weather in Seattle and gave myself a bike tour between Green Lake and downtown.
I spotted the nattily dressed gentleman who had parked his bike at a park bench, above, along the Elliott Bay waterfront. His cap kept the sun out of his eyes while he gazed south along the busy harbor to Safeco and Qwest fields and Mount Rainier in the distance. What a perfect place to relax….
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Cookie Lady 1984
A blog reader recently left a comment that “Cookie Lady” June Curry's fabled Bike House in Afton, Virginia, was closed earlier this month when the bicyclist stopped for a visit.
To find out more details about what was going on, I contacted her good friend Joyce Cooke, formerly of the Milepost Zero Bicycle Club. Among other things, the bike club assists June with keeping the Bike House clean and well-provisioned for cross-country bicyclists who pass through.
Joyce said that the Cookie Lady is not doing well and has been sidelined with severe pain associated with sciatica. …
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There's nothing like inhaling the mountain fresh air on a bicycle trip, unless you're caught downwind from a smoky wildfire.
With 40 fires larger than 500 acres burning in Montana, Idaho and Washington, Adventure Cycling Association is alerting touring bicyclists about road closures on some of its routes.
There are also health threats due to wildfire smoke, and the Montana health department has posted some information about that….
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A while back the travel website published its “Top Ten U.S. Road Biking Routes.” I counted 12 on the list, but I'm sure they struggled to whittle the list down to so few.
When I scanned the list, I was surprised and amazed that I'd ridden on 5 of the routes and been very close to 2 others. At first I felt proud, then I wondered if I'm ever going to ride the rest.
I have to agree that they chose some great rides, but I'm not much of a critic when it comes to good bike routes. Any road where there's not a lot of traffic is a great bike route for me. Here's their 12 (starting with the rides I did) …
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