Category: Bike Touring

Top 10 bicycling websites

On Sunday I published the “Ultimate top 10 list of Top 10 bicycling lists.” Later I realized that I really didn't care for “No. 9, Top 10 Bicycle Websites.”

That list of bicycle websites was assembled by It might work for some people, but in retrospect I don't think these are the best websites for bicyclists who regularly read this blog. It had only one or two websites that I check regularly for information.

So here's the BikingBis list of Top 10 Bicycling websites. These are the websites that I visit most frequently and find the most useful. There are lots of good websites that aren't on this list, but these keep more to the theme of this blog.  As always, the decision of the judges is final …

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The ultimate top 10 list of “Top 10” bicycling lists

Everybody likes Top 10 lists. It gets us thinking about a topic and wondering why some items were picked over others.

For instance, Seattle often lands on “best cities to bicycle” lists, but has yet to show up on the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Communities list.

Anyway, here is my Top 10 collection of “Top 10” bicycling lists over a range of topics — best bicycling cities, best bicycle rides in cities, best bike stores, best ways to avoid being hit by a car, etc., etc. It's all very unscientific, but the decision of the judges is final….

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New Year's Day 2008 — a good day for a bike ride

New Year's Day might be a good day to sleep off the hangover or vegetate on the couch and watch some football. For many of us, it's also a good day to get on the bicycle and start to achieve our 2008 mileage goals.

Many clubs feature rides on New Year's Day. The Western Pennsylvania Wheelmen, for instance, has offered the aptly named Icycle Bicycle Ride around downtown Pittsburgh for the past 30 some years regardless of the weather:

“It has gone no matter what the weather. In previous years, when we had deep snow on January 1st, it was not unusual to have to push bikes to McDonald's in the Strip for coffee and hot chocolate and then return to the start point.”

Here are some other popular New Year's Day bicycle rides….

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One “gnarly” bike tour

“He gets on a bicycle, takes the bike, which is 30 years old, it has no leather, no special helmet. He left Florida on one ocean and rode to our ocean here. He rode 100 miles a day with no sponsors, no raising money, no one greeting him at corners, he just goes.

“He amazes me. I am still shocked. Every surfer I talk to – and I hang around with some extreme people – they all say, ‘that’s so gnarly’ …

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Earlier bicycle tour offerings from Adventure Cycling in 2008

Still growing from the first group of Bikecentennial pioneers who pedaled cross-country in 1976, the Adventure Cycling Association is offering 36 self-contained or supported bike tours and events in 2008.

It's the most comprehensive bicycle touring lineup ever for Adventure Cycling. The Missoula, Montana-based nonprofit also sells maps and provides other bicycle routing and travelling information.

For cyclists who are chomping at the bit in the spring, bike tours start earlier than ever next year. It all starts with a California “Winter Warmer” in the San Diego area running from Feb. 16-22, followed by similar rides in Arizona in March and Virginia and Texas in April. A cross-country bike tour across the Souther Tier begins in late March…..

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Pittsburgh inflates its bicycling image

Back in 1991, Bicycling magazine named Pittsburgh, PA, one of the nation's worst cities for bicyclists. The city is working hard to shrug that label off its steely shoulders.

Just last week, the city reopened the Hot Metal Bridge for biking and hiking after the completion of a $11.6 million project that was begun in 2003. The 1,052-foot long steel bridge spans the Monongahela River.

The project is a critical link as the city races to complete its end of the 150-mile Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) bike trail in time for the celebration of its 250th anniversary in 2008. The bridge connects the Three Rivers Heritage Trail with the Eliza Furnace Trail.

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Professor conducts research on 8,500-mile bicycle tour

A professor of Chicano studies is taking a bicycle tour around the United States to study the nation's “Latino-ization.”

Louis Mendoza, chairman of the Department of Chicano Studies at the University of Minnesota, left Santa Cruz on his touring bike in July headed to New York and is returning via the Sun Belt. He recently left El Paso.

At his very insightful A Journey Across Our America blog, Mendoza writes about the increasing presence of Hispanics in large and small cities all across the country. He told an El Paso newspaper that he chose to travel by bicycle because “I'd be more likely to have unpredictable experiences along the road.” …

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Charlie Klotz's 1935 TransAmerica bicycle tour

The San Jose Mercury News recently ran the story about a guy who rode his bicycle cross-country more than 40 years before the first bicyclist took to the Bikecentennial route.

Charlie Klotz was a 20-year-old working in a pharmacy in Hollister, California, when he took off on his bicycle for a cross-country tour to New York City in 1935.

He pedaled between 100 and 130 miles a day, covering the 3,100 miles in 30 days. He still has the Speed King bicycle that he rode …

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Peace Transit Tour relays message by bicycle

A bicycle relay is slowly making its way cross-country to draw attention to the connections between fuel dependency, war and global climate instability.

Called the Peace Transit, the ride started in Louisville, Kentucky, on Nov. 3 with cyclists carrying a baton, a petition and a rock to cyclists in Bardstown. Passed along five more times, the items arrived in Nashville, Tennessee, on Saturday.

No single person is making this tour. This is a very effective way to get hundreds, if not thousands, of people involved in publicizing the problems of being too dependent on oil. …

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Summer week-long bike rides schedule

Here it is not even Thanksgiving, and organizers of 53 “across-state” bicycle tours already have dates and routes for week-long bicycle tours in 2008.

It's never too early to start planning for next summer's bicycling adventure. If you're interested in putting your seat in the saddle for one of these RAGBRAI-like bike rides, check my list at 2008 Across State Bicycle Tours.

Listed are the standbys like BRAG, RAGBRAI, GRABAAWR, Ride the Rockies, but new ones like Indiana's RAINSTORM (this acronym is really a reach). Here are 28 states with updated bike rides and links to those pages …

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