Category: Bike Touring
I always considered pepper spray products such as Halt! to be the ultimate weapon in the battle against bicycle-chasing dogs.
The former mayor of Seven Mile, Ohio, trumps that with a .357 Magnum handgun.
The man was bicycling through the small southwestern Ohio town with his wife when a 10-pound mixed terrier named “Precious” chased down the couple, knocked the mayor from his bicycle and attacked him.
He told police that he feared for his life and shot at the dog five times before killing it …
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You may have seen these Extrawheel bicycle trailers before, but they are new to me.
I use a standard cage-style Yakima bicycle trailer (now made by BOB, see video on jump) for touring. It allows me to keep heavy weight off the back wheel of my bike, and when combined with front panniers, my bike tracks very well.
It also allows me to fulfill my TMS syndrome — Too Much Stuff.
These Extrawheel trailers also keep heavy weight off the rear wheel, and they're lighter than standard BOB trailers …
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A Virginia bicycle club is giving back for the years of motherly hospitality that June “Cookie Lady” Curry has offered to bicyclists on the TransAmerica Trail.
The Richmond Area Bicycle Association collected donations from across the US and is presenting the proceeds to the Cookie Lady at her home in Afton, Virginia, on Nov. 16. A bike ride on the Blue Ridge Parkway will follow.
Says RABA member Champe Burnley:
“We're very excited about the event. June has certainly done a lot for cyclists over the years and we're glad to give a little something back …
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It might be the first week of November, but that hasn't stopped cyclo-tourist Steve Moline from touring across the US.
Moline is a retired Marine Corps major who is currently bicycling across country for the Captain Garrett T. Lawton Foundation. He founded the non-profit “to provide support and assistance to the thousands of military families who have lost a loved one in the service of our country.”
Moline named the foundation for his friend's son who was killed in Afghanistan in August. Capt. Lawton leaves behind his wife and two young sons.
The bike trip, which he calls a Gyrene's Journey, is expected to take him 56 days from St. Augustine to San Diego …
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Bicycle tourists may think of themselves as an independent lot, but they often must rely on the kindness of strangers.
The Adventure Cycling Association realizes this, and annually awards people or groups that enrich the trips made by cyclo-tourists.
This year's winners include a couple in a Kentucky church, a GPS expert in Vermont, a bicycle shop in Michigan and a tourism group in Ohio. They were chosen from among nominations made during the past few months by members. And the envelope please:
Bob and Violet Hardison and the First Baptist Church of Sebree, Kentucky — June Curry Trail Angel Award ….
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Organizers of a community bicycle ride associated with Australia's Tour Down Under are reporting record interest in the event this year and expect to cut off participation at 5,000 cyclists.
Some 3,500 cyclists already have registered for the Mutual Community Challenge, and tour officials are attributing the greater interest to Lance Armstrong's participation in the 2009 Tour Down Under, which runs from Jan. 20-25.
The community bike race is similar to the Tour de France's popular L'Etape du Tour, in which amateur cyclists ride a stage of that the pros will tackle later …
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A charity bicycle tour in Australia to support people with multiple sclerosis drew a record number of participants this past weekend, as well as a record number of ambulance calls.
The 2008 Sydney to Gong Bike Ride drew 14,000 riders this weekend, raising an estimated $1.7 million for the MS foundation.
It wasn't without a toll, however. According to news reports, paramedics treated 24 cyclists, half of whom required hospitalization. Further, the St. John Ambulance teams treated 300 people for injuries such as cuts and bruises, as well as conditions like dehydration. …
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The plan to create a national system of bicycle routes covering more than 50,000 miles on roads and trails is gathering momentum.
A nationwide group of state and federal transporation officials has approved a National Corridor Plan that sets the framework and guidelines for developing the U.S. Bicycle Route System.
The idea, as spelled out by participant Adventure Cycling Association, is to create a system of interconnected bike routes in the US that crosses state borders and connects urban, rural and suburban regions.
As you can see from this draft map, the corridors would include the TransAmerica Trail, the Northern Tier and Southern Tier cross-country routes, the East Coast Greenway, the Mississippi River Trail, the Underground Railroad trail and many more …
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Seattle is included for the first time among the four cities that will host the LiveStrong Challenge in 2009.
The charity event the Lance Armstrong Foundation includes options for bicycling and running or walking to raise money to fight cancer.
The cities and dates are:
Seattle — June 13-14; San Jose — July 11-12; Philadelphia — Aug. 22-23; and Austin — Oct. 23-25.
The announcement comes on the heels of the LiveStrong Challenge in Austin this past weekend. There are probably as many stories from this weekend's LiveStrong Challenge in Austin as there were people who participated — 6,000.
The one that caught my attention, however, was that of Judy Regan, 51, of Pasadena, California …
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If you're seeking proof that cycling is gaining popularity, you need look no further than the growing membership rolls of Adventure Cycling Association.
The non-profit that targets bicycle touring experienced a 12% increase in new members in the past year, resulting in a 5% growth in overall membership. That accounts for a total 44,500 members by the end of last month.
Seeking to explain the spiking interest, membership director Julie Huck said:
“Whether it's because of last year's gas price increases, overall issues with the economy, or health and environmental concerns, more and more day-to-day cyclists are realizing that bicycle travel is a fairly simple next step ….
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