Category: Bike Touring
If you're still checking for a bicycle tour outfitter for your bicycling vacation this summer, then it might be worth your time to peruse this list from National Geographic Adventure magazine.
Editors compared nearly 250 adventure travel companies and ranked them by the type of activity and how they scored on a 30-question survey.
Among the 200 finalists across all disciplines, the top 10 companies in the bicycle touring category are listed below as they appear in the February issue of National Geographic Adventure magazine …
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Last spring I stumbled across some amazing online photos from a young man on an around-the-world bicycle tour. Consider the one at left that was taken in Tibet.
I quickly traced them to Daniel Lang at his Project VELAIA website. He's a German bicyclist who happened to be in New Zealand. At the time, he had traveled some 16,000 miles; I wrote a short piece about his bike tour on my blog.
Daniel recently contacted me to say he had completed his tour. He's back home in Furfeld, Germany, after completing nearly 25,000 miles (40,000km) on his bike and recumbent …
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This photo I shot on the Foothills Trail in Pierce County, Washington, makes me feel warm all over.
It's a hot June day and that's the volcano Mount Rainier soaring in the background.
I just posted this rail-to-trail photo, and a couple of others, to the Rail-to-Trails Conservancy group on
There already are more than 300 photos in the group of people riding their bicycles on rail-trails all across the US…
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The upcoming issue of Outside magazine tickles our wanderlust with the “The 100 Best Adventure Websites” list.
While we could probably rely on most of these 100 websites at one time or another, I culled through the list to find ones that were the most pertinent for bicyclists.
The editors listed only three websites specifically for bicycling. There are others for shopping, mapping, fitness and event scheduling that bicyclists can use …
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If you were waiting to decide whether you wanted to sign up for the Ride Around Washington bike tour in August, you're too late. RAW sold out in five days this year.
Even though the week-long bicycle tour sponsored by the Cascade Bicycle Club is limited to 215 riders, I don't remember registration ever shutting down so early.
In terms of popularity, it ranks right up there with the Tour de Wyoming, which has filled up within 15 minutes of online registration opening.
Cascade Bicycle Club announced that RAW had sold out about 12:30 p.m. Monday via Twitter.
Cascade this year is limiting registration …
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A college professor is embarking on a 7,000-mile bicycle tour through Africa and will teach a class on local foods and agricultural practices along the way.
The University of Minnesota course offered by Paul Porter is entitled “Food and Agriculture from Cairo to Capetown at 10 miles per hour.”
Porter, a prof in the department of agronomy and plant genetics at the St. Paul campus, will use a satellite telephone to give live lectures and leave podcasts at a website. He'll also update his blog, Paul Porter's Tour d'Afrique, with descriptions of his locale, the weather, and what he and the local inhabitants are eating …
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January 1 sounds like a good time to start a bicycle tour, or turn your life around, or, if you're Robert Hollandsworth, to do both.
Robert started his Cycle for Life bicycle tour from Houston on Thursday and plans to keep cyclo-touring the US with no end in sight. He'll survive on $200 a month from his family and whatever donations he gets from playing his guitar and tuning pianos along the way.
His trip is no spur-of-the-moment New Year's resolution. Robert's been planning this trip for several years with advice from experienced touring bicyclists at the Internet Bicycle Touring List. At his website, he writes …
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Back in January when I set a 4,000-mile bicycle-riding goal for 2008, I didn't want to have to resort to fulfilling my resolution on New Year's Eve.
Of course, that's what I ended up doing today.
I completed 4,002 miles in 2008 with a 10-mile ride up to Lewis Creek Park on Cougar Mountain this morning. My son suggested that route, because it's all downhill on the way home — a good treat for my accomplishment.
Now, I'll probably spend the first week of 2009 cleaning my bicycle. …
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The East Coast Greenway is a 3,000-mile bicycle-pedestrian route from Calais, Maine, to Key West, Florida.
The route is proposed as an off-road path that links cities along the eastern seaboard. Currently, about one-fifth of the route is on traffic-free paths with more on the way.
But before things get too far along, however, the Greenway wants to establish a set of uniform signs that can be used along its length.
To get some public feedback, the Greenway folks are distributing an online Bicycle Signage Survey that takes 12 minutes to complete (your time may vary) …..
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Here's a book about precarious border crossings, bandits, wars and civil unrest, and big ol' hairy rats.
The latest John LeCarre spy novel? No. It's the latest bicycle tour book from Tim and Cindie Travis entitled “Down the Road in South America.”
Don't get me wrong. The book also tells about the wonderful people that the Travises meet on their journeys and the remarkable landmarks and scenery that they experience from the saddles of their loaded bicycles.
I suppose the book is best described by its subtitle, “A bicycle tour through poverty, paradise, and the places in between.” …
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