Category: Bike Touring
Next time you need inspiration for riding your bicycle, consider the case of Jimmy Button.
In 2000, the 26-year-old veteran motorcycle racer suffered a paralyzing crash in a practice round at a race course in San Diego. Family and friends were told that he was paralyzed from the neck down and would probably never walk again.
In three months, however, he'll set off for a cross-country bike ride from that race course in San Diego:
“The last time I rode an ambulance out. … But I'm not going to ride an ambulance out of that place this time, I'm going to ride a bicycle, and when we stop it's going to be when we get to Daytona Beach ….
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Jamie Bianchini has spent the past 8-1/2 years picking up hitch-hikers.
There's no such thing as a free ride with Bianchini, however. His passengers on six continents have taken the stoker position on his tandem bicycle and helped pedal as he passed through many different cultures.
The Pacific Beach, California man ended his travels this weekend when he returned home after passing through 81 countries on the 25,000-mile around-the-world bike tour dubbed Peace Pedalers.
Along the way, Bianchini launched more than a dozen projects …
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In a few years, you'll be able to get your bike touring kicks on Route 66.
The Adventure Cycling Association says it has chosen the corridor of that iconic American highway as its next long-distance bicycle touring route.
Known as the Mother Road, “it winds from Chicago to LA, more than 2,000 miles all the way” …. OK, maybe you already know the lyrics of the song.
The two-lane highway was established more than 80 years ago as one of the original U.S. highways. Decommissioned in the 1980s, it remains a part of our popular culture.
Chalk that up to the road's prominent role …
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The latest week-long state bicycle tour to announce its route is the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure, celebrating its 23rd year.
The 2011 route keeps to the largely flat countryside to the north and west of Columbus, offering a respite for those who might have struggled through the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio in the 2010 GOBA.
With 5 days of bicycling and 2 layover days with optional riding, GOBA covers between 259 and 416 miles of road next year from June 18-25.
The loop route starts in Kenton….
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Some of us might consider a bicycle touring trip from the tip of South Africa to Saudi Arabia as the ultimate extreme adventure.
For two Muslims in their 20s, however, the self-contained bicycle pilgrimage to Mecca was a religious experience.
Imtiyaz Ahmad Haron and Nathim Cairncross traveled across more than 3,000 miles of roads in Africa and the Middle East over the past 9 months to participate in this year's Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca for a series of religious observances …..
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The Livestrong Foundation is cutting back its Livestrong Challenge Series to three cities in 2011 — Philadelphia, Austin and one in California.
That leaves the Pacific Northwest out of the mix for the first time in six years. Portland hosted an event from 2005 to 2008, and Seattle had the event in 2009 and 2010.
During that time, the six charity bike rides engaged some 11,000 participants to raise funds for the cancer research and survivorship program of the foundation created by Lance Armstrong.
About 1,600 cyclists and runners …
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When my pal and I traveled across Missouri on our bicycles, we were struck by the friendliness of the townfolk in Farmington.
Heading west, it was our last pause before heading into the Ozarks. Folks asked if we needed directions, one guy stopped to chat, and the friendly proprietor of a cafe on town square kept our iced tea glasses topped off.
That was 26 years ago, but the folks in Farmington still support the bicyclists passing through town.
The Adventure Cycling Association chose the town of Farmington for the 2010 June Curry Trail Angel Award, named for the always helpful Cookie Lady of Afton, Virginia ….
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“I got on a bicycle and rode it a mile. I did that 45 times each day, for 89 days.”
That's how David Jones of Vancouver, Wash., described his cross-country bicycle tour to a reporter at The Columbian newspaper recently.
Breaking up a 4,022-mile bicycle journey into bit-sized pieces was the easiest way for the 55-year-old to tackle the challenge. Before this bike tour, his longest bike ride had been about 15 miles. At times in the Rockies ….
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The use of bicycles for transportation and recreation is clearly on the upswing. Now the Adventure Cycling Association says that bicycles are a growing part of the travel industry as well.
The Missoula, Montana-based nonprofit that produces bike travel maps, organizes supported and self-contained bicycle tours and advocates for bicycle travel had a record year in 2010. One of its big gains was a 16% increase in the number of cyclists joining one of its many bicycle tours.
In reporting the 15% overall growth in revenue for Adventure Cycling, Executive Director Jim Sayer said:
” … it's also a sign that in difficult times, people turn to the things they love, like bicycling and travel by bike.” …
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Although summer seems like a long way off, across-state bike tour organizers are updating their routes for next year's events.
In the past week, Cascades Bicycle Club's Ride Around Washington (RAW) and the Argus-Leader's Tour de Kota announced their 2011 mass-participation bike rides. Each one is in excess of 400 miles.
The Cascade Bicycle Club's Ride Around Washington (RAW) bike tour returns to the Cranberries to Apples themed route ….
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