Category: Bike Touring

A checklist for bicycling Colorado's scenic byways;
Find scenic byways close to home

Bicyclists in Colorado who are seeking ideas for their next bike tour need go no further than the state's “Bike the Byways” program.

Created by the state Department of Transportation and Bicycle Colorado, the 25 rides explore mountain passes and back-country mining roads on hard pavement and gravel. Some can be biked in an afternoon, while others require several days of bicycle travel.

Bicyclists are encouraged to keep track of their progress in cycling all the byways on a checklist at the Bike the Byways website.

Users also can write online reviews of the byways. For a limited time, they'll be rewarded for their efforts …

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Bicycle Tour of Colorado avoids Black Hawk with shuttle service

Organizers for the Bicycle Tour of Colorado say they're using a shuttle service so cyclists on the week-long bicycle tour won't have to risk breaking the law by riding their bicycles through Black Hawk.

The small, gambling-oriented tourist town west of Denver gained nationwide notoriety in the bicycle world last summer when police started issuing tickets to bicyclists who violated the town's ban on bicycling on city streets.

Since then, there have been court fights, rallies on the steps of the State Capitol,  legislation submitted to prevent towns from banning bicycling, and a call to boycott the city's merchants.

Early publicity for Bicycle Tour of Colorado says Day 1 of the bike tour goes from Central City to Estes Park, a route that would require 1,400 to 1,500 cyclists to walk their bikes along a road — Gregory Street — included in the bike ban. Organizers are avoiding …..

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The inspiring bicycle tour that is Biking Across Kansas

Whenever I finish a cross-state bicycle tour, it always takes me a couple of days to get back into the swing of things.

It's been no different after completing the Biking Across Kansas tour last week.  I wanted to post something to my blog immediately, but I was delayed by air travel and visits with friends.

That's just as well, because it gives me some time to mull over what I experienced on this ride. A few things immediately come to mind.

First is the constant inspiration provided by my fellow bicycle travelers….

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“Gone Biking”

“Regularly scheduled programming” will be interrupted at the BikingBis website for the next couple of weeks as my son and I head to the Great Plains for Biking Across Kansas, aka B.A.K.

We talked last winter about doing another week-long state bicycle tour similar to the Cycle Across Maryland and Ride Around Washington that we did when he was younger.

We picked the 475-mile B.A.K. (I'm told it's “B-A-K”, not “back”) because it was one of the few bike tours that had the right dates for his college and summer work schedule …

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“Go east young men”: Biking Across Kansas

My son and I will be joining 800 suddenly close and personal friends on the 475-mile Biking Across Kansas tour beginning this weekend.

We signed up for it at least five months ago, and I can't believe the time is here.

Although many of the “across-state” bike tours only chew off a chunk of a state, B.A.K. truly heads from one border to the other. In this case, it's always from the Colorado to Missouri border in hopes of catching the summer's prevailing winds.

Fond memories

One reason we're heading to Kansas is because I have such fond memories of this place from my cross-country bicycle tour 27 years ago. Many strangers offered to help us, take us in, or direct us to free camping at city parks as we crossed the state.

In fact, we were asked more than once if we were part of Biking Across Kansas back in 1984. The annual bike ride dates back to 1975, and we hit the state about the same time as B.A.K. began that year ….

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Washington state cyclist dies on TransAmerica bike tour

Sad news today from the TransAmerica Bicycle Route.

A 79-year-old cyclist from Bellevue, Washington, died in Virginia on Thursday just a few days into a coast-to-coast group bicycle tour.

The man, James Stocker, was fulfilling a life-long dream to ride his bicycle cross country, according to his granddaughter.

[Services are scheduled at 1 p.m. June 11 at Westminster Chapel in Bellevue, WA.]….

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Northern bicycle route finally opens through Washington state

Deep snow in the Cascade Mountains this winter and spring delayed the opening of the Northern Tier Bicycle Route through Washington until earlier today.

The bicycle route follows State Route 20, also known as the North Cascades Highway, over the breath-taking Washington (el. 5,477 feet) and Rainy (4,875 feet) passes in North Cascades National Park.

The highway is normally closed due to snow in late November until the spring. This year, state highway snow-removal crews arrived to find the snow 75 feet deep in places.

An April snowstorm and avalanche danger delayed the start of snow removal that took 6 weeks, about twice as long as normal. This year marked the second latest opening of the road …..

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Supporting the US Bicycle Route System fund-raising campaign

Last week, Winona Bateman at the Adventure Cycling Association asked me for a quote about why I support the US Bicycle Route System fund-raising campaign.

As usual in those circumstances, I couldn't think of anything too profound to say.

Essentially, I said it “tickles me” to think about future bicyclists being able to follow bicycle-route signs as they travel some 50,000 miles of bike-friendly road. I added:

“And just as intriguing is the idea of mom and pop businesses — bike shops, campgrounds, hostels — sprouting up to cater to these bicyclists who have taken to the long road.” ….

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US Bicycle Routes approved in Maine, New Hampshire, Michigan and Alaska

The first route updates to the US Bicycle Route System since 1982 have been approved by the transportation group that oversees state highways.

Shown in red at left, the new bicycle travel routes approved are:

USBR 1 in Maine and New Hampshire;
USBR 20 in Michigan
USBR 8, 87, 95 and 97 in Alaska.

Two existing routes — USBR 1 through Virginia and North Carolina, and USBR 76 through Virginia, Kentucky, and Illinois, are shown in blue.

The Adventure Cycling Association announced the new routes on Wednesday.

The remaining corridor routes on the map show the work that has yet to be done on the 50,000-mile US Bicycle Route System …

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15 world class bicycle-friendly cities

Where in the world would you go to take a spin in the world's most bicycle friendly cities?

The Matador Travel website recently came up with a suggested list of 15 cities. Five are in the good old U.S. of A., but not all are at the top of the League of American Bicyclists list of “platinum-level” bike friendly cities.

I usually enjoy looking at published lists of “best” bike rides, … cities, … trails, … states, … parks, … regions. It gives me a chance to think of great places to ride my bicycle or wonder what the hell the list author was thinking about.

For the most part, the Matador list seems pretty straight forward. Here are the 15 and their justifications: …..

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