Category: Bike Touring
The Livestrong Foundation (formerly the Lance Armstrong Foundation) is plowing ahead with fund-raising activities for 2013 that include the return of its Livestrong Challenge charity bike ride series, as well as running and triathlon events.
I’m happy to see Livestrong continue to make bicycling one of its major fund-raising tools, even as its founder’s cycling career has been a source of controversy.
The athletic events raised $5 million in 2012 for the foundation, which supports cancer patients and survivors and their families.
The Livestrong Challenge cities are the same as last year …
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The Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure takes its silver anniversary celebration to western Ohio in 2013.
One of the longest running mass bicycle rides in the US, GOBA-25 is calling itself “The Reunion of the Fittest” when it rolls out next June.
Along the way, cyclists can visit the Bicycle Museum of American in New Bremen, …
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Restring your fiddle and prepare your taste buds for spicy Creole cuisine.
The popular Cycle Zydeco bicycle tour of southern Louisiana is returning in 2013 after a one-year hiatus.
Presented by the Lafayette Convention and Visitors Bureau for 10 years, the bike tour will be promoted and managed in 2013 by the nonprofit Transportation Recreation …
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Update: Nov. 17, 2012
— Defending champion Eric Marcotte won his third straight El Tour de Tucson on Saturday in a head-to-head battle at the finish against Rafael Escarcega, the 2009 winner.
A 32-year-old resident of Scottsdale, Marcotte finished the 111-mile course in 4:13, about six minutes faster than last year.
Linnea Herbertson, a University of Arizona grad student, won the women’s division in a time of 4:39.
Former Olympic cyclist John Howard, 65, crashed near the finish …
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Old Man River could be the destination for many traveling bicyclists next year as the nonprofit Mississippi River Trail association is planning more than 200 events in areas along the river in 2013.
Calling it the “Year of Cycling 2013 — Mississippi River Trail,“ the association wants to create a stronger cycling focus in the …
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In updating the 2013 list of more than 100 across-state and multi-day mass bicycle tours in the US, I noticed that more tour organizers are trying to create suspense about next year’s route by making grand announcements.

RAGBRAI (the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) was one of the first to raise interest in the upcoming tour route several years ago by holding a gala event.
They’re continuing that legacy now with other important online announcements, such as the the official 2013 RAGBRAI XL logo — a pig! …
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A “banner year” for the Adventure Cycling Association can only be good news for bicycling in general.
The nonprofit bicycle touring association announced this week that the number of members and participants in its bicycle tours rose in the past year, as did its operating budget and revenue.
That tells me that more people than …
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Seeking funds for conservation education in Tanzania
A bicyclist from Tanzania who is on a two-year-long solo world bike tour will be rolling into Issaquah (WA) next week.
Elvis Munis is on his way up from Portland, where he stopped as part of his quest to raise enough money to pay for college degrees in conservation studies for himself and 9 countrymen.
His ride, labelled “Chile to Kili,” describes the geographical scope of his bicycle travels. …
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The story in the Evansville Courier-Press of a man who “adopted” a foreign bicycle traveler recovering from a traffic collision is one of those that restores my faith in humanity.
Thomas Persson had come to the US last year from Sweden to ride his Surly Long Haul Trucker from the Washington DC area to San …
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If you ask me, all the bicycle routes, bicycle paths or bicycle lanes are useless if they’re not on a map so people can find and follow them.
The folks at the Virginia Department of Transportation must think the same way as they’ve released an updated version of the Commonwealth of Virginia Bicycling in Virginia …
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