Category: Bike Touring

Lawson, Missouri; The worst town for bicyclists?

Everyone has a favorite story about a least favorite place to bicycle.

I challenge anyone to name a town more …

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Bicycle training logs

The first thing I do when I walk in the door from a bicycle ride — even before a shower — is to record my time and miles in a bicycle log.

I like to keep it simple. Route, miles, time, MPH, and comments. I've created an Excel spreadsheet file that computes the MPH and …

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Logging it

I've been logging my rides since 1991, that's about 37,000 miles back up the road. That's a lot of blacktop, and it doesn't include my previous 13 years of cycling with independent tours of Virginia, Tennessee, Arizona, the NE US and Quebec, and lastly a 4,000-mile cross-country bicycle tour from Yorktown, VA to Carlsbad, CA.

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