Category: Bicycle Industry
I always thought custom bicycles just so much froufrou. They're critical equipment for bicycle racers, but the rest of us citizens would do just fine with something off the rack at the local bike store.
An everyday guy like me owning a custom bike? That would be like buying a Range Rover to drive to the local grocery store.
An article in the LA Times today goes a long way to changing my mind. The writer makes several good justifications for buying a custom bike which all boil down to this: If a custom bicycle gets you out on your bike more often, it's worth it.
Here are some of the advantages of a custom bike mentioned in the article….
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As bicycle trade shows go, this has to be the shortest run in history.
Messe Friedrichshafen, the Germany-based owners of the Eurobike trade show, announced at the end of October that they would launch a show in Portland in September 2007. Here it is one month later, and they've already called off those plans.
Instead, the Eurobike folks are promoting a spring show to be held in tandem with the 2007 Sea Otter Classic …
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Anyone who bicycles regularly this time of year should be thinking seriously about bike lights. James Sharp at the Lactic Acid Threshold blog admits to thinking a lot about lights. He writes:
“I love lights, in an unhealthy way. I think it is the combination of the fact that they enable me to ride more and the fact that they are packed with technological goodness — two of my favorite things.”
Sharp is a reviewer of, so he knows what to look for in light systems for bicycles. He likes the LEDs for the whiter light …
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If you've ever Googled for something related to bicycles or bike maintenance, you've probably landed at
Under the banner of Harris Cyclery, Sheldon has posted hundreds of articles relating to different brands of bikes, their components, and how to fix those components. He also posts on some other interests, which include arts, books, jazz and his family.
Lately, he's also been writing posts about his health, which sadly is deteriorating. The bicycle guru can no longer ride a bicycle and began riding a recumbent trike in September. …
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Steve's Cycling Store is closed, wiped off the Internet like road kill scraped up with a shovel.
Don't expect the online serial scammer (“Watch Out for Phony Bicycle Scams,” Oct. 31) to stay closed for long, however. It will surely reappear under a new name offering unbelieveable deals on high-end bicycles.
When you buy bicycles or equipment online, here are some suggestions on how to avoid becoming a victim: …
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The owners of the Germany's largest bike industry trade show — Eurobike — are planning to bring a similar show to the Pacific Northwest next September.
The announcement that Messe Friedrichshafen is launching the show in Portland is causing fear and loathing in Las Vegas, home for the annual Interbike International Bicycle Expo, which has been the nation's largest industry bike show.
While welcoming the competition, Interbike organizers VNU Expositions said Wednesday in a press release:
“We are also greatly concerned about the dividing effect Eurobike’s announcement may have on the industry …
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My dad always said, “If it's too good to be true, it probably is.” That advice certainly goes for buying bicycles at “inventory clearance” prices online.
The Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona is issuing an alert about a certain Steve's Cycling Store in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Although the website looks legitimate, the street address houses a Flying J truck stop.
The bicycle shop offers bicycles at extremely low prices — the entire Trek line goes for $1,000 to $1,300, including a Madrone 5.0. The only problem is, you never get the bike. …
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TIME Sport International is issuing a recall for 18,000 bicycle pedals.
The ball-bearing cap can fail, causing the pedal to come off the crank and the cyclist to lose balance and fall. At least eight injuries have been reported, according to a US Consumer Product Safety Commission website.
The models are: Time RXS Titan Carbon, RXS Carbon, RXS and RXE Bicycle Pedals. …
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There has been no recall of the Light & Motion batteries, as reported here on Wednesday.
The Light & Motion support page says:
“On October 17, 2006, the CPSC reposted a 3 year old press release for a batch of li-ion batteries. Light & Motion voluntarily and successfully recalled those batteries way back …
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