Category: Bicycle Fitness

World record attempt in Britain: 75,065 miles in one year

Bicycling records come and go, but one that has survived for 76 years is Tommy Godwin’s record of cycling 75,065 miles in one year — 1939.

Now, 40-year-old Steve Abraham from Great Britain is trying to break that record.

Anyone who has set a goal for annual bike mileage in a year knows how difficult it …

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Have piano, will travel by bicycle; Mr. B’s Joybox Express hits the road

Musicians who travel the countryside by bicycle are rare, but not unheard of. It’s relatively easy to stash a cornet into a saddlebag or sling a banjo over one’s back.

Mr. B’s Joybox Express takes this a gigantic step forward by rolling an upright piano up on a bicycle trailer and hauling ass down the …

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A new study confuses the record on prostate cancer and bicycling

There’s no argument that bicycling is good exercise for men. It reduces the risk of Type II diabetes, coronary disease and stroke. It reduces stress and releases endorphins that create an overall feeling of well-being.

Now, a UK survey of 5,000 male cyclists reports an increase in the rate of prostate cancer for those who …

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14 ways to avoid and treat saddle sores from bicycling

July 24, 2012 — Another project I’m working on has made it challenging to update this blog on a daily basis this summer. So here’s a 2007 story from the vault about saddle sores, and how to prevent and treat them. Good luck staying comfortable in the saddle…

Warmer weather and longer bike rides are right around the corner for many of us, which means sore, blistered butts are also around the next bend.

It’s easier to get an idea how to avoid saddle sores when you understand what causes them. Basically it all starts with logging miles. …

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Boy Scouts keeping fit and learning about bicycling

It always does my heart good to see youths outside getting some exercise. I like it even better if they’re riding bicycles.

With obesity rates among adolescents increasing from 5% to 18% in just the past 20 years, it’s critical that parents get their kids outdoors.

Here’s one way to do it.

When I saw …

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Solutions for women left numb by bicycling

It’s no secret that some women can suffer the same numbness in the genital area as some men do from riding a bicycle.

For men that can lead to erectile dysfunction and impotence, serious issues that can be addressed by professional bike fittings and alternative saddle styles.

Now researchers at Yale University School of Medicine have found a solution for women suffering numbness — set the handlebar higher in relation to the saddle.

Back in 2006, Yale University looked at issues of women’s sexual health and bicycling …

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A favorite piece of bicycling gear: eyeglass mirror

I've attached lots of different lights, pedals, saddles, handlebar grips and other gizmos and gadgets to my bike or myself in the past 10 years.

The one thing that's given me the most pleasure is a simple rectangular eyeglass mirror that cost me less than $10.

Like my helmet, I can't leave home without it. That's the mirror in the photo at left as I'm being trailed across Kansas by my son this summer.

If you're searching for a holiday present for a bicyclist, a mirror would be a good choice. Any local bicycle store will have a good selection….

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Fitting the bicycle to the rider

The art of fitting a bicycle to a rider has come a long way since I first realized that some of my aches and pains were caused by poor fit.

For my style of riding — getting from Point A to Point B without unnecessary discomfort — there are a couple of measurements that seem adequate.

But racers and competitive amateurs seek adjustments that will give them an edge. When you're plucking down several thousand dollars on a new bicycle, another couple of hundred doesn't seem like much to pay to get the most out of it.

The Boulder (Colo.) Camera writes about a local firm, Retul, that has developed a system that uses motion-capture technology to create a 3-D biomechanical analysis …

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Starting off the New Year right

The snow-covered Olympic Mountains — about 70 miles away as the eagle flies — and Lake Washington provide a scenic backdrop for these cyclists out for a bike ride New Year's morning.

Lots of bicyclists hit the road in the Seattle area on Saturday in spite of temperatures that hovered around 30 degrees all morning.

Possibly they're fulfilling New Year's resolutions. I spoke to one rider who said she got the “old horse” out …

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An 88-year-old man's inspirational return to bicycling

You might find it inspirational to learn that an 88-year-old man won three gold medals at the Connecticut Senior Games earlier this year.

But the back story for cycling enthusiast Bob Sawyer is so much more amazing than that.

A year earlier, the Bedford, Massachusetts, man had been hospitalized with lymphoma, complicated by pneumonia and the inability to eat because he could not swallow. His doctors had discovered the lymphoma on a CT-scan after he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

So there he was in the hospital, wasting away. Everyone, including himself, had started to give up hope …

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