Category: Bicycle Advocacy

Raising funds to repair memorial to fallen cyclists in Florida

In December 1996, the driver of a pickup truck crashed into a group of cyclists on a bike trip from Gainesville to St. Augustine. Two cyclists were killed — safe cycling advocates Margaret Raynal and Doug Hill — and four others injured.

Cycling activists say the tragic crash was a seminal event for bicycle advocacy in …

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Scottsdale pays big settlement for deteriorated bike path

The old adage “You can’t fight city hall” doesn’t apply to a Scottsdale, Arizona, man who crashed on a notoriously poorly maintained stretch of bike path in that city in 2009.

Allan Fenyves and his attorney fought city hall and won a $426,000 settlement last week in a negligence lawsuit.

KPHO News reports that Scottsdale …

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Motorist to cyclist in windshield: “What are you doing in my car?”

A Wisconsin motorist was surprised to notice a man’s body poking through his car’s windshield when he pulled up to his house Saturday night.

“He looked at me and said, ‘Who are you? What are you doing in the car?” said Steven Gove, the bicyclist who crashed through the windshield.

Gove told a reporter for …

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Bicyclist looking for justice in Tennessee

A Chattanooga bicyclist who says he was pepper-sprayed by teen-agers after they allegedly harassed him on the road last Saturday was distressed to learn earlier this week that he was being investigated by Sheriff’s deputies for committing felonies.

Now, it’s the local Sheriff’s office that’s under public scrutiny for how it’s conducting the investigation.

Anders …

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Bicyclists in Ohio and Virginia seek safety in 3-foot passing law

Bicyclists in Ohio and Virginia are working to enact bills that would require motor vehicles to give bicyclists 3 feet of clearance when passing.

Currently, 22 states and the District of Columbia have laws on the books with the 3-foot or more requirement. California became the 22nd to enact the law last year; it goes …

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Huge growth for bike sharing in US last year

Forty cities in the U.S. host some type of bicycle-sharing system at the beginning of 2014, after 13 cities joined the effort to use rental bikes to solve traffic congestion and pollution in 2013.

In spite of successful ridership for those systems throughout the year, several had to shut down briefly because of snow and/or …

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Death Valley National Park freezes bike race and charity bike ride permits

Event organizers who operate charity bike rides and bike races in the Death Valley National Park learned just before Christmas that no new permits for such sporting events will be issued at the park in 2014.

The park service is citing safety concerns and a need to study such sporting events before issuing permits for …

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The who and where of bicycle commuting in U.S.

If you regularly ride your bicycle to work, then the League of American Bicyclists report “Where We Ride: Analysis of Bicycling in American Cities” is all about you.

The report by the LAB staff digs into the results of the 2012 American Community Survey released by the U.S. Census Bureau in September.

You might remember …

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Bicyclist fatalities, injuries rose again in 2012

Grim news for bicyclists (and all road users) from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: 726 bicyclists died in collisions with motor vehicles in 2012.

The bicyclist fatalities in traffic pose a 6.5% increase from the previous year. 2012 marked the third straight year that bicyclist fatalities have risen since a 10-year low of 623 …

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Bike friendly Davis, CA, lowers fines against bicyclists

Bicyclists who run stop signs in Davis — the first platinum level Bicycle Friendly Community — can expect police to issue more tickets soon.

The increased enforcement comes after the Davis City Council reduced fines for stop-sign violations from $202 to $50 for bicyclists.

Apparently police in the college town in California were “hesitant to issue citations for bicycle violations, fearing a significant level of animosity …

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