Category: Bicycle Advocacy

Bellevue (WA) council votes for multi-use trail, not bike lanes

Bellevue is going ahead with a plan to build a multi-use trail for bicyclists and pedestrians on West Lake Sammamish Parkway, instead of marked bike lanes for cyclists and a separate path for pedestrians.
By a vote of 5-0, the City Council directed the staff to find ways to fund the estimated $20 million project. Earlier in the meeting, a bicycling advocate had testified that Bellevue would find it difficult to compete for funds because the project didn't meet generally accepted professional standards concerning bicycle facilities.

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Letter: Redmond opposes Bellevue's West Lake Sammamish Pkwy plan

Here is the letter detailing Redmond's objections to Bellevue's use of a multi-use trail instead of bike lanes in improvements to West Lake Sammamish Parkway:

“Redmond does not agree that the alternative currently identified as Bellevue's staff preference should be the option selected for construction …”

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Cyclists object to Sammamish Pkwy plan; Bellevue (WA) council votes Monday

That plan to “improve” the dangerous stretch of West Lake Sammamish Parkway without adding dedicated bike lanes is scheduled for a vote by the Bellevue City Council on Monday night.

The staff recommendations are opposed by the Cascade Bicycle Club, the Friends of Lake Sammamish, and Bellevue's own Pedestrian and Bicycle Citizens Advisory Group (CAG), and the City of Redmond.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is urging …

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Wrong-way cycling; unsafe at any speed

When my friends and I learned to ride bikes, our parents told us to ride against the traffic. Today, we know that wrong-way cycling is terribly unsafe, don't we? Wrong-way cycling actually makes it harder for motorists to see the bicyclists. And it's motorists seeing bicyclists that we should be most concerned about.
The issue of “wrong-way” cycling comes to the Bellevue (WA) City Council on Monday night when it considers the staff recommended plan to make improvements to West Lake Sammamish Parkway.

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Colorado “bicycle bill” passes, despite opposition

It looks like cyclists in Colorado will be able to ride side-by-side afterall.

Legislation (HB 1218) that allows bicycle riders “to ride two abreast whenever the normal and reasonable movement of traffic will not be impeded” has passed the House …

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Bike access around Lake Sammamish

The Seattle-area cities of Bellevue and Sammamish will be considering proposals for bicycle access on the parkway around Lake Sammamish in the next week. While the Bellevue proposal is going to a City Council vote and has bicyclists up in arms, …

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Bicycle trails springing forth

New bicycle trails — or plans for new trails — are blooming across the country this spring.

The Seattle Times reports a section of the Centennial Trail in Snohomish County will be opened on Saturday. It's just one of the …

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New York cops: “Drop that bike!”

New York City is continuing its crackdown on cyclists who ride en masse through the streets on the last Friday of the month. At the latest critical mass rally, Associated Press reports, police in the Big Apple arrested 37 …

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The “best bicycle bill in history”?

(Updated July 30, 2005: See “Money for Cycling in Transportation bill passed by Congress.”)Bicyclists could benefit when Congress rolls out the pork barrel this year.

A highway funding bill includes more than $242 million for building bike and hike paths and trails in the US. It also includes an ambitious safe-routes-to-school program to get school kids out of their parents' cars and encourage them to ride bicycles or walk to school.

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Bellevue, WA: West Lake Sammamish Pkwy improvements a step back for bicyclists?

An analysis concludes that Bellevue's plan for improvements to West Lake Sammamish Parkway could actually make the road more hazardous to bicyclists than it is today.

The city's proposal for improvements to the 5.5-mile, two-lane road calls for no bikes …

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