Category: Bicycle Advocacy

Bicyclist league report shines light on traffic deaths

There’s a surprising statistic in the bicyclists traffic death data collected over the past couple of years by the League of American Bicyclists.

In a report issued on Wednesday to coincide with the annual Ride of Silence, the League reports that rear-end collisions are responsible for 40% of bicyclist deaths — the highest category by far.

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Puget Sound cyclists roll out for Bike to Work Day

Spin the wheel and win a prize! That game was a big draw Friday morning at the Bike to Work Day commuter station staffed by Choose Your Way Bellevue.

Cyclists could score a blinking clip-on tail light, a velcro ankle band, or a white flexible headlight, among other swag. But whether they won something useful …

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Bike to Work Day is Friday; bike commuter stations in Seattle area

You can show your support for bicycling this Friday by riding your bicycle to work.

To help in this endeavor in the Seattle area, dozens of bike commuter stations will be set up from 6 to 9 a.m. during Bike to Work Day.

View Commute Stations — Bike to Work Day presented by F5 in …

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Washington state: Still most bike friendly after all these years

The League of American Bicyclists named Washington state the most bicycle-friendly state for the 7th year in a row.

While other states have been rising and dropping on the list announced annually since 2008, Washington state has remained the first and only state to hold top honors every year.

In fact, Minnesota pulled itself …

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More cycle tracks and greenways in Seattle’s bicycling future

Seattle is taking another stab at improving bicycling in the city in an updated Bicycle Master Plan that relies heavily on cycle tracks and greenways — two schemes not promoted in the original master plan approved in 2007.

The idea is to entice potential bike riders who are not particularly interested in mixing it up …

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Victory for bicycle projects in Missouri

What is it about some Missouri politicians? They seem to think they can make political hay out of proposing laws that stick it to bicyclists.

Four years ago it was some council members in St. Charles County who wanted to ban bicycling on some county roads. The issue lost support of the majority on council, …

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Picking your favorite city for bicycling the USA TODAY way

USA Today knows that people like to read Top 10 lists, so it creates a lot of them. Currently, the newspaper’s Travel Section is running a reader response poll on the 10 Best U.S. Cycling Towns.

Former pro cyclist George Hincapie was asked to nominate 20 cities to the list, and readers get to vote …

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One bike club wins advocacy award; another disbands

Congratulations to Bike San Diego for winning the advocacy organization of the year award from Alliance for Biking and Walking.

The Alliance notes that the group has accomplished a lot in just a short time.

It raised awareness of bicycling issues in the city among bicyclists and elected officials. Consider this photo from the BikeSD …

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Amazing anti-bike stance by elected official

Sometimes I can’t believe what I read.

A story broke from Long Island last week about a 17-year-old who suggested to his local representative that he should push for more bike lanes on Suffolk County roads. The request came after the boy’s mother was struck by a car while on her bike.

Here’s part of the …

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Driver fined for violating Washington’s vulnerable user law

Washington is one of a few states that has a “vulnerable users law” that holds negligent drivers accountable for injuring bicyclists or pedestrians.

Before the law passed the state legislature in 2011 and became law in 2012, a motorist at fault for injuring a bicyclist in a collision would face little more than a traffic …

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