Category: Bicycle Advocacy
Did it seem that you read more about bicycling deaths last year? That's because you did.
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration reported this week that 784 “pedalcyclists” died in traffic accidents in 2005; that's an increase of 57 deaths over 2004.
While overall highway fatalities rose 1.4% in 2005 …
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Principals in a Kansas school district are prohibiting children up to third grade from riding their bicycles or scooters to school. That might not sit too well in some Oregon school districts, which encourage children to walk and ride to school.
The Lawrence school district enacted the ban last spring after a 6-year-old kindergartner was struck and killed by a minivan as he rode his scooter to school. Police said a shrub at the intersection obscured the motorist's view. ….
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City officials in Toronto are investigating whether their distinctive post-and-ring bicycle stands have a flaw that enables thieves to steal bike locked to them.
The city has installed some 16,000 of the bike stands since 1985, making them a common landmark of the Toronto streetscape.
But bike thieves may have found a way to break the ring and remove the bike, lock intact.
Toronto's transportation services division issued a press release on Friday seeking information from cyclists who believe their bikes might have been ripped off because of defective post-and-ring. …
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The Seattle Weekly newspaper takes a look at bicycle commuting this week in an article aptly entitled “Vicious Cycle.”
Reporter David Neiwert is right on target as he writes that even though Seattle has a reputation across the country for being bicycle friendly, that doesn't mean there's plenty of room for improvements. …
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Bicycle riders in Portland, Oregon, are fuming over comments made by a radio program's host who broadcast insensitive remarks about cyclists injured in traffic accidents.
The remarks, reported in Jonathan Maus' BikePortland blog, set of a firestorm of protests from cyclists who are variously seeking an apology, a retraction, or retribution. Portland cyclists who battle traffic everyday aren't taking this lying down. …
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Bicyclists riding en masse through a city. Bicycle advocates demanding safer streets. Bike messengers racing around with documents. Cheap imports. Is it the 2000s or the 1890s?
An interesting story printed Monday in the Akron Beacon Journal about the bicycle craze in that city in the late 1800s reads like it could have been written about the bicycle issues of today.
Cyclists were the first to seek better roads, according to author Mark Price.
Cyclists were early promoters of street improvements. They argued that bad weather made Akron roads nearly impassable for six months a year. …
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Now that you've done your part by cycling to work for National Bike to Work day, wouldn't you like to get paid for it?
Back in March I wondered why bicycle commuters couldn't get a tax break similar to the ones bestowed on hybrid car owners. There are two bills in Congress that go further than that. One bill submitted in the Senate in April would enable employers to pay bicyclists up to an extra $105 a month, tax free.
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Bicyclists will ride in slow-moving groups in more than 120 US cities and 6 other countries on Wednesday, May 17, in memory of fellow cyclists killed or injured on public roads.
The Ride of Silence honors those who have died, raises awareness about cycling and reminds motorists to share the road.
There are no entry fees to participate in one of the silent processions. There are no T-shirts, no sponsors and no brochures, says the Ride for Silence website. It remains largely a grassroots effort. …
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Time: Monday morning. The place: Orlando, Florida.
The challenge: Negotiate morning traffic to arrive at Orlando City Hall first on a 7-mile commute from Lake City Park in Maitland. …
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See a lot more folks on their bicycles today? Yes, it's spring, and it might be a beautiful day where you live. It could also be people bicycling to work for National Bike to Work month.
With gasoline prices hovering at $3 a gallon, I can't think of a better time to suit up for a ride. …
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