Category: Bicycle Advocacy
It looks like Friday's Bike to Work Day weather forecast in the Puget Sound calls for sunny skies with a 100% chance of spinning bike tires.
You can check for weather updates here (and this being Seattle, I encourage it), but there's no rain forecast until early Saturday. Temperatures range from a low of around 45 Friday morning to highs in the 60s during the day with increasing clouds.
If you plan to join the projected 10,000 people who will bike to work on Friday in the Puget Sound area, here are some things to check…..
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The San Francisco Bay Area celebrates Bike to Work Day today. I'm struck by a group of remarkable bike commuters and especially one in particular.
She is Kerri Kazala, 47, of Mill Valley who pedals 50 to 60 miles a day roundtrip to her job at a medical treatment center in Daly City.
She is one of nine bike commuters honored from each of the Bay Area's nine counties as Bike Commuters of the Year. More about those bicycle commuters and San Francisco Bay Area Bike to Work Day is available at the website. …
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Like the banner says, May is National Bike Month. And Monday through Friday is National Bike Week. Let's go ride our bikes.
The League of American Bicyclists is a clearinghouse to find out about many — but not all — of the events going on this week across the US. It's a good place to start looking for events in your area.
One of the biggest draws of bike “month” and bike “week” is “Bike to Work Day.” Here in the Seattle area, that's going to be Friday, although bicycle commuter events are happening on different days elsewhere. …
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Congratulations to the five new cities added to the League of American Bicyclists list of Bicycle Friendly Communities.
The League announced that Austin and San Luis Obispo were added to the silver level on the list, and LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah, were added to the bronze level in the latest round of awards.
Cities on the list get there by proving that they provide safe accommodations for cycling and encourage their residents to bicycle for commuting and fun. …
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Looks like 3 feet
Texas is getting closer to joining a handful of states that require motorists to give bicyclists at least a 3-foot gap when they pass.
The Texas Senate tentatively approved a bill on Tuesday that not only requires the 3-foot gap on two-lane roads, but yielding a full lane to bicycles on four-lane roads.
But just to put cyclists back in their place, the senators also approved an amendment that eliminated the mandatory passing distance requirement on two-lane roads without paved shoulders, because — as Republican Sen. Kim Brimer is quoted — “Bicyclists don't belong on those roads.” …
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What is it about Copenhagen and Amsterdam that puts between 33% and 40% of its commuters on bicycles everyday?
It goes beyond the fact that the terrain is mostly flat. Nancy Keates tells about some of what they're doing in an article, “Building a Better Bike Lane,” that appeared in Friday's Wall Street Journal. Among them:
— Amsterdam has built five new bicycle parking garages, and one is in the works for 10,000 bikes at the main train station. …
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You could say that the month of May is the beginning of the prime bicycling season. It's marked by two nationwide bicycling events:
The Ride for Silence on May 16 commemorates bicycle riders who have died or been injured while using public roads; and,
The Bike to Work Day on May 18 (May 17 in some locations) celebrates bicycle commuting and encourages all sizes and stripes of workers to ride their bike to work that day. …
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There are two ways you can help the national Bicycle Commuter Act, which would extend the transportation fringe benefit to include bike commuters.
The first way is to write your congressman. The League of American Bicyclists has prepared an easy way to contact your representatives in Washington DC via email regarding the issue.
The second way is to contact the Bicycle Commuter Act's author US Rep. Earl Blumenauer if you're familiar with bike commuter benefits and how they have been successfully implemented. …
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The Fort Collins, Colorado-based brewery that makes Fat Tire and other deliciously heady beverages has been voted the Bicycle Friendly Employer of the Year in the Rocky Mountain state.
New Belgium received the Bicycle Colorado “Bicycle Choice Award” at a gala celebration last week .
Among other things, the brewery gives workers free cruiser bikes after their first year and sponsors the Tour de Fat bike celebration in a number of cities. It also promotes bicycle commuting through the Team Wonderbike, which you have to check out if you bike to work or plan to do so. …
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Civic and business leaders in Silicon Valley jumped on their bikes Friday to rally the troops for a big turnout for National Bike to Work Day during the week of May 14-18.
Hundreds of bicycle clubs and business groups across the nation are making plans for Bike to Work Day, sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists. Workers are being encouraged to leave their cars parked at home and commute by bicycle that day in hopes that they'll realize that bike commuting is possible… maybe even fun.
In the Silicon Valley, business leaders are promoting the CEO/Celebrity Cycle to Work Day Challenge to encourage participation the event. Area CEOs and government leaders are being challenged to ride their own bikes to work on May 17, encourage employees to do the same, and host welcome stations for cyclists at their offices. …
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