Category: Bicycle Advocacy
Update: Dec. 11, 2008 — That “No Bikes” marking on El Monte Road in Los Altos Hills has b
een covered up and will be removed early next week, says the city's Public Works director.
In a letter to Bob Shanteau of the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition, Richard Chiu explains that the markings were installed to direct cyclists to a bike path through the college.
“It was brought to our attention that some drivers may act more aggressively towards bicyclist with the markings in place ….
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The Washington Area Bicyclist Association is trying to arrange valet bicycle parking for the Jan. 20 inauguration of Barack Obama.
WABA wants to set up three valet stations within walking distance to the National Mall so cyclists can drop off their bikes and hike on over to the inaugural events.
Visitors also will have bicycles in SmartBike DC self-service bike rental program, left, at their disposal. District officials warn, however, that some of the 10 stations might be located in the security perimeter and passage in and out could be difficult.
WADA is working with the district to find the bike valet sites where cyclists can drop off their bikes, receive a claim check …
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That tired old proposal about bicycle license fees has been broached again, this time from James F. Vesely, editorial page editor at the Seattle Times.
He proposes that bicyclists pay a $25 annual fee for owning a bike. It would make us members of the world of transportation, he writes, “rather than free riders on the tax rolls.”
Like so many of the previously misinformed, he writes about the benefits of bicycle pathways and bicycle lanes that are bestowed upon bicyclists by “the remarkable generosity of Puget Sound taxpayers.” …
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There might not be a better opportunity to further the cause for bicycle paths, bike lanes and similar projects for a long time.
When President-elect Barack Obama made a pitch on Saturday for a massive public works construction program to jump-start the economy, he said some spending would go to projects aimed at conserving or expanding energy supplies.
He also talked about creating jobs “by making the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s.”
Infrastructure? Conserving energy supplies? To me, that says funding bicycle trails, bicycle paths, bicycle racks, marked bicycle routes, and more.
I don't know if that type of “infrastructure” is in Obama's plans right now, but it should be. The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is seeking signatures on an “Economic Recovery Petition” that encourages spending on bicycle and pedestrian projects. It reads ….
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C'mon. There's enough road rage out there without bicyclists turning on each other.
But that's what happened in Madison last week, reports the Wisconsin State Journal. According to police reports, Colin O'Brien, owner of Madison's Cronometro bike shop, was attacked one evening after suggesting that a couple of other bicyclists “get a light” after they passed him.
The man and woman had the decency to announce “on your left” when they passed, so they should have known that they needed to light up their rides after dark. Instead, the man shouted “mind your own business.” …
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A memorial bicycle ride is planned Saturday morning in Martinez, California, for a Contra Costa Cycling Club cyclist killed on Monday.
Mark Pendleton, 49, was struck head-on by a hit-and-run driver between 5:30 and 6 p.m. on Monday. Reconstructing the collision from debris at the scene, investigators say Pendleton was heading south and when he was struck by a northbound dark truck or SUV that had crossed the double yellow line.
The city of Martinez is offering a $5,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of the driver, a member of the Alto Velo Bicycle Racing Club in Los Altos has kicked in another $5,000 …
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It's back to prison for the motorist who struck a Seattle bicyclist near St. Helens, Oregon, in the 2007 Seattle-to-Portland bike ride.
The Oregonian reports that Daniel B. Whittlinger, 41, of Portland was convicted of two counts of second-degree assault, one count of third-degree assault, and driving under the influence of intoxicants.
He was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison; he had previously served 13 years in an Oregon prison for a 1989 murder before he was paroled ….
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An environmental group dedicated to protecting and restoring the Chesapeake Bay is launching a campaign — Cyclist for the Bay — to get people out of their cars and onto their bikes.
The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is asking people to pledge to use their bicycles whenever possible, bike to work at least once a week, and spread the word about the need to protect the bay.
The Chesapeake Bay on the East Coast is one of the nation's natural wonders. At the turn of the last century, writer H.L. Mencken called it the world's protein factory, for all the clams, oysters, crabs and varieties of fish that came from its waters.
Today the Bay is choked with pollution …
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Many media outlets reported anecdotes over the summer about how the soaring price of gasoline was putting more people on their bicycles to commute and run errands.
It's good to finally get some meat on that story.
The city of Portland reports a 28% increase in overall bicycle use for 2008; the biggest increase ever recorded. In fact, bicycling in Portland has increased threefold since 2001. ….
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Last night I was driving down an unlit hill in our subdivision when I briefly glimpsed something cross in front of a line of car headlights that was approaching.
After the traffic passed, I could see it was an at-times invisible bicyclist riding in dark clothes on a bicycle without front or rear lights or reflectors.
It was only 6:45, but completely dark. It occurred to me that riding a bicycle on poorly lit suburban streets is probably more dangerous than bicycling that way in well lit urban areas.
Let's hope I'm preaching to the choir here, but if I'm not, let me stress that bicyclists need lights to be visible at night. You can argue the motorists need to be vigilante when driving at night, but that won't help you when someone isn't …
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