Category: Bicycle Advocacy

My town of Bellevue, Washington, experienced a substantial increase in the number of bicyclists tallied in its second annual Pedestrian and Bicycle Count this fall.
Although I'd like to report that this points to a growing trend in bicycle commuting, it's probably due to the sunny, albeit cold, weather on Oct. 5, 2010, compared to the blustery, rainy weather on Sept. 29, 2009.
In other words, more people ride their bikes in good weather than bad weather.
Even so, I think it bears reminding the elected officials that bicyclists were counted 600 times at 13 counting stations in the evening …
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“When we reached the scene, however, we saw that we were talking about a massacre. They were all people we knew personally which made it even more painful.”
Those are the words of the Silvio Rocco, a member of Italy's White Cross and one of the first responders to the scene of a crash that claimed the lives of 8 cyclists. They had been out for a Sunday morning club ride near their home in the boot of Italy.
A motorist whose driver's license had been revoked for dangerous driving ran head-on into the group of riders. Six were dead at the scene …
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The bicycle ban imposed on most city streets in the small gambling town of Black Hawk, Colorado, is legal, according to a municipal court judge.
The ruling means that the three ticketed bicyclists who fought their tickets in court, with the help of pro bono attorneys and the nonprofit Bicycle Colorado, will probably either pay their fines or appeal the cases.
Bicycle Colorado announced the judge's decision on Wednesday.
Black Hawk city council enacted a law in 2009 to make it possible to ban bicycles on certain streets for safety reasons. Early in 2010, the city erected “no bicycling” signs on nearly every street in town and police started issuing $68 tickets …..
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Some 150 communities have been honored as “bicycle-friendly” by the League of American Bicyclists, but there is just one institution of higher learning — Stanford University — on that entire list.
While the home cities of UC-Davis, left, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), University of Colorado (Boulder) and others are bike friendly, the campuses themselves don't have such designations.
The League wants to award the efforts of college campuses that already are bicycle-friendly and help others adopt practices that improve the health and well-being of students.
The League is launching a Bike-Friendly University program …
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World AIDS Day is Wednesday, Dec. 1, marking the 30th year of the pandemic. It's not a happy anniversary.
To commemorate this milestone, bicyclists in San Francisco and Los Angeles are holding World AIDS Day bike rides on Sunday.
Participants are asked to wear red. …
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New York City announced plans Tuesday morning to create a bike-sharing system to take a bite out of traffic congestion in the Big Apple.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration said it will seek bids for a bike-sharing program based on last year's feasibility study “Bike-Share Opportunities in New York City” that called for starting with 10,000 bicycle at 600 locations. That plan starts with bike share in Manhattan, then spreads to boroughs throughout the city.
Although bike-sharing systems are already in use in Denver, Minneapolis and Washington DC/Arlington, the installation of bicycle-sharing in that huge media market would bring more attention to the potential success of such systems …..
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By most accounts, the Greenbelt trail that runs along the north side of the Boise River in Garden City was conceived as a bicycle path.
Now a group of Idaho bicyclists has gone to court to regain their rights to ride their bikes on a 1.5-mile section of the trail that has been marked as a dismount zone in Garden City for about 3 years.
As you can see from a regional trail map, the Greenbelt is part of a network of paths running in fits and starts along both sides of the river in Eagle, Garden City and Boise. But walking your bike for a mile-and-a-half is like having no trail at all, especially for those who need it for commuting ….
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Nova Scotia is the first province in Canada to consider a law that requires motorists give bicyclists 1 metre of space — slightly more than 3 feet — when passing.
So far, 16 U.S. states have put 3-foot passing laws on the books to protect bicycle riders.
The legislation introduced Monday by Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Bill Estabrooks has other requirements as well ….
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Many of us are still getting over the fact that a 4-year-old girl who accidentally hit and injured a New York City woman with her bicycle can be sued for negligence.
Now a man serving a 10-year manslaughter sentence in a Connecticut prison is suing the parents of a 14-year-old he struck and killed, alleging negligence because they let him ride his bicycle in the street without a helmet. …..
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Bicycle City isn't just a state of mind; it's the name of a small community that's set for a ceremonial groundbreaking in December in the countryside near Columbia, South Carolina.
Drawing his inspiration from Mackinac Island, Michigan, where cars have been banned for more than 100 years, Internet entrepreneur Joe Mellett is pushing ahead with his plans for a car-free community.
The Columbian newspaper reports that Mellett will offer home lots for sale and begin building a community center with rooms for rent and a small market early next year on the 160-acre development about 15 miles south of Columbia ….
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