Category: Bicycle Advocacy

Missouri legislator goes ahead and files bike ban bill – HB 672

Missouri Rep. Bart Korman has gone ahead and filed his bicycle ban bill that we wrote about earlier this week: “Proposal for bicycle ban raised in Missouri.”

Korman filed House Bill 672 on Wednesday. It prohibits bicycle use on state roads when there is a state-operated bike path or trail running generally parallel and within …

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Proposal for bicycle ban raised in Missouri

See update: Feb. 21, 2013 — Missouri legislator goes ahead and files bike ban bill

Here we are, less than two weeks after the Colorado Supreme Court overturned a bicycle ban in the town of Black Hawk, and the issue of banning bicycles from the roadway is back again — this time in Missouri.

The …

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Safe passing bill hearing in Olympia today supports bicycling

Thanks to all those bicyclists who are heading to Olympia today for Transportation Advocacy Day.

One bicycle-friendly Senate bill that’s on tap for a hearing Tuesday would make it legal for motorists to cross over a double-yellow line to give safe passage to bicyclists or pedestrians. The bill defines safe passage as a 3-foot gap.

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Interior department nominee understands bicycling issues, says bike industry

President Obama’s choice of  REI CEO Sally Jewell as his nomination for Secretary of the Interior should be good news for bicycling.

If approved by Congress, the top exec of the Kent, Washington-based company will head up the department that oversees the National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management. Bicycling issues — especially regarding …

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Victory! Colorado Supreme Court overturns Black Hawk bicycle ban

Sometimes it’s worth fighting that ticket all the way to the Supreme Court.

Three Colorado bicyclists, supported by the advocacy group Bicycle Colorado, learned that on Monday.

Not only were their tickets thrown out, but a local law that might have had dire consequences as a precedent against bicyclists’ rights also was thrown out.

The …

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Bicyclists need to be heard in Bellevue (WA)

City planners for Bellevue, home to the BikingBis blog, are beginning to consider a vision for the future in an updated Comprehensive Plan.

That future should include the goal of making Bellevue a platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community.

Transportation always ranks as a big problem in Bellevue. Part of that stems from belonging to the Seattle …

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Something useful for commuters: A bicycle barometer

So many of the new products for bicycling seem like the same old thing updated — new styles of clothes, new styles of panniers, new styles of helmets, new styles of rain wear …

But this commuter in London has created something that I think could be truly useful — a bicycle barometer.

Essentially, Richard Pope developed a device that tells him whether its a better day to use his bicycle or the subway to get to work. ….

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Just what are the laws for bicycles in your state?

It’s pretty obvious that the LAPD motorcycle cop in this video either doesn’t know the traffic laws regarding bicycles, or simply chooses not to refer to them.

The cop is filmed on a Venice bicycle path giving a speeding ticket to a bicyclist who minutes earlier had complained that the policeman’s motorcycle was blocking the path. The bicyclist is identified by as Peter Jackson, 34, of Venice.

Jackson argues with the policeman, who tells him on camera: “The reason why I’m going to write you for unsafe speed is because you are arguing with me….”

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Bicycle horn gets motorists attention in a hurry

Two brothers are developing a horn that enables cyclists to be heard, if not seen, on their bicycles.

Called Loud Bicycle, the small horn is activated by a button on the handlebars and blares with the same loudness and pitch of a car horn.

Says Loud Bicycle developer Jonathan Landsey:

“Drivers react to car horns …

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Bicycle fatalities increase in 2011

Bicycling deaths were on the rise in 2011.

A report issued by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration finds that 677 bicyclists died in traffic in 2011. That’s a 8.7% increase over 2010, when 623 bicyclists died.

That reverses a trend of two straight years of decreasing fatalities for bicyclists. The number of bicyclist deaths …

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