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Recycled-bicycle Christmas tree

If you're looking for the best bicycle-themed holiday display this year you might need to go to Australia.

A shopping area in Sydney has created a 23-foot Christmas tree fashioned out of 100 recycled bicycles.

Built by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, the tree was assembled from bicycles collected by the CMA Recycling. It took about eight weeks to design and build.

Sydney's tree has been made from recycled chairs in 2008 and green bottles in 2009. This year, the bicycle frames were painted a bright green, while the wheel rims got splashed …

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Bicycle Christmas tree

A Christmas tree fashioned from 100 recycled bicycles in Sydney Australia. More pics at Facebook.

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Chef takes his job on the road by bicycle

Louisville bicycling SoupByCycle soup chef Ian Ritchie is on the mend after a motorist hit him from behind at a stoplight last week.

Ritchie says he didn't suffer life threatening injuries, but he'll take a couple of weeks to recover before getting his mobile soup kitchen back on the road.

That's got to be good news for his ever-growing clientele, who may soon tire of their own attempts at turkey-leftover soup after Thanksgiving ….

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Ian Ritchie powering his soup rig

Louisville chef Ian Richie delivers homemade soups via SoupByCycle.

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“Peace pedaler” finishes tandem journey around the world

Jamie Bianchini has spent the past 8-1/2 years picking up hitch-hikers.

There's no such thing as a free ride with Bianchini, however. His passengers on six continents have taken the stoker position on his tandem bicycle and helped pedal as he passed through many different cultures.

The Pacific Beach, California man ended his travels this weekend when he returned home after passing through 81 countries on the 25,000-mile around-the-world bike tour dubbed Peace Pedalers.

Along the way, Bianchini launched more than a dozen projects …

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Tandem cyclist ends world journey

Jamie Bianchini ends his world tour as captain of a tandem. He'd pick up stokers along the way.

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World AIDS Day bike rides are Sunday

World AIDS Day is Wednesday, Dec. 1, marking the 30th year of the pandemic. It's not a happy anniversary.

To commemorate this milestone, bicyclists in San Francisco and Los Angeles are holding World AIDS Day bike rides on Sunday.

Participants are asked to wear red. …

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New York City next in line for bike-sharing

New York City announced plans Tuesday morning to create a bike-sharing system to take a bite out of traffic congestion in the Big Apple.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration said it will seek bids for a bike-sharing program based on last year's feasibility study “Bike-Share Opportunities in New York City” that called for starting with 10,000 bicycle at 600 locations. That plan starts with bike share in Manhattan, then spreads to boroughs throughout the city.

Although bike-sharing systems are already in use in Denver, Minneapolis and Washington DC/Arlington, the installation of bicycle-sharing in that huge media market would bring more attention to the potential success of such systems …..

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Work begins on new Adventure Cycling route: Bicycle Route 66

In a few years, you'll be able to get your bike touring kicks on Route 66.

The Adventure Cycling Association says it has chosen the corridor of that iconic American highway as its next long-distance bicycle touring route.

Known as the Mother Road, “it winds from Chicago to LA, more than 2,000 miles all the way” …. OK, maybe you already know the lyrics of the song.

The two-lane highway was established more than 80 years ago as one of the original U.S. highways. Decommissioned in the 1980s, it remains a part of our popular culture.

Chalk that up to the road's prominent role …

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GOBA announces 2011 bicycle tour route through Ohio

The latest week-long state bicycle tour to announce its route is the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure, celebrating its 23rd year.

The 2011 route keeps to the largely flat countryside to the north and west of Columbus, offering a respite for those who might have struggled through the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio in the 2010 GOBA.

With 5 days of bicycling and 2 layover days with optional riding, GOBA covers between 259 and 416 miles of road next year from June 18-25.

The loop route starts in Kenton….

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