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Sports Illustrated examines doping allegations against Armstrong

Sports Illustrated has delivered the latest grist to be chewed on regarding allegations that Lance Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs during his career.

Available in the current issue, “The Case Against Lance Armstrong” also is posted online at the Sports Illustrated website. Reporters Selena Roberts and David Epstein went back as far as 1993 to uncover tests that sources say reveal suspicious activity.

Armstrong has steadfastly denied doping during his career. But he is the subject of a federal probe launched about the same time that Floyd Landis admitted to a career of doping and implicated Armstrong as well. …

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McEwen on top at Tour Down Under bike race

If there were a jersey for consistency, RadioShack's Robbie McEwen would certainly be wearing it at the Tour Down Under bike race. Instead, he's in the prestigious overall leader's ochre-colored jersey.

The veteran Australian sprint specialist has finished in the top 3 in the preview and stages 1 and 2 at the 6-day bicycle race that ends Sunday in Adelaide.

He took the overall leader's jersey from HTC-Columbia's Matt Goss after finishing 2nd to stage winner Ben Swift (Sky) in the 146km (90-mile) race from Tailem Bend to Mannum on Wednesday.

The top four leaders all have the same official time ….

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Robbie McEwen

Sprinter finished in top 3 in first two stages of Tour Down Under to take overall lead in 2011

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Matt Goss

HTC Columbia cyclist from Australia opens season with two wins in Australia

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Landis calls it quits; retires from professional cycling

“I've been riding my bike a lot, trying to figure out life, which is the same reason I did it to start with, so I've come full circle. I'll always ride my bike. But I'll never start on a line on a road and try to get to another line on a road faster than another guy. That's over.”

— Floyd Landis to Bonnie Ford at, Jan. 17, 2011 (“Floyd Landis retiring for cycling.”)

So ends the pro cycling career of Floyd Landis, 35.

At one time seen as the athlete most likely to continue America's superior role at the Tour de France after Lance Armstrong's retirement, his success turned sour in a doping scandal that earned him the moniker, “disgraced cyclist.”

Landis told Ford at …

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Repeat performance for Stage 1 at Tour Down Under

The US-based cycling team HTC-Columbia celebrated another victory in Australia as Matt Goss won Stage 1 of the Tour Down Under.

The Australian beat defending champion Andre Greipel (Omega Phama-Lotto) and Robbie McEwen (RadioShack) in a sprint finish after a 138km (86-mile) bike race from Mawson Lakes to Angaston.

On Sunday, Goss won the Cancer Helpline Classic in Adelaide, a preview for cyclists in the Tour Down Under. The race continues through Sunday, Australia time.

Where is HTC-Columbia's Mark Cavendish ….

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Another server meltdown for bike ride registration;
this time it's Leipheimer's GranFondo

Bicycling enthusiasts trying to register on Monday for a spot in Levi Leipheimer's King Ridge GranFondo in Santa Rosa found themselves shut out of the online registration process for hours.

It was the second time recently that the sheer volume of traffic for online registration for a bike ride overwhelmed the computer servers, grinding the process to a virtual halt.

Last Monday, persons trying to register for the Seattle-based Cascade Bicycle Club's slate of 2011 bike rides were continually kicked off the website. Some valiantly tried to get in for up to four hours, only to find out that the most sought-after ride — Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and Party — had already sold out …

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Judge re-sentences motorist in bicyclist's death case

A Kitsap County, Washington, judge has revoked the community service of a motorist who struck and killed a bicyclist in 2009 and re-sentenced her to jail time, which she'll most likely serve in home confinement.

In a case that angered bicycle rights advocates, the motorist was charged and sentenced only for driving with a suspended license. Prosecutors say their hands are tied in cases where intoxication, recklessness, or gross negligence is not a factor.

A vulnerable user bill that stalled in the Washington state legislature last year would have created penalties in cases where negligent driving causes injury or death of a pedestrian or bicyclist. That bill is the Cascade Bicycle Club's top priority in 2011. A hearing is scheduled at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 21, in Olympia …

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HTC-Columbia cyclist, but not Cavendish, wins Adelaide classic

If Mark Cavendish can't get to the front to win a final sprint for the HTC-Columbia pro cycling team, he has teammates who are willing and able to take the honors.

That was proven Sunday at the Cancer Council Helpline Classic, a circuit race in Adelaide that serves as the preview for the Santos Tour Down Under that starts in earnest on Tuesday.

While Cavendish and a few others were slowed by a crash in the last of the 30-lap bicycle race, Aussie teammates Matthew Goss and Mark Renshaw finished 1st and 2nd in the sprint, followed by Robbie McEwen, another Australian who moved over to the RadioShack team this year ….

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More changes from Cascade Bicycle Club leadership

In an open letter to the Cascade Bicycle Club's membership, seven members of the Board of Directors said they will offer their resignations after a newly elected board is in place.

The letter, posted to the Cascade blog on Friday afternoon, also urges members to help find qualified leaders within the club to run for the newly expanded Board of Directors in the upcoming election in March.

The board also said it has postponed any changes to the club's bylaws or the search for a new executive director until after the new directors are seated ….

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