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Phil Liggett comes to Seattle for a bike ride and a talk

If you hear a little voice in your head saying, “He's dancing on the pedals!”, when you're tackling one of the hills around Seattle, then maybe you'd like to meet the guy who coined that phrase in person.

Versus cycling commentator Phil Liggett will be visiting Seattle next month to give a talk for the Cascade Bicycle Club. A bike ride for 45 cyclists who want to dance on the pedals with Liggett the following morning is already booked.

Liggett has been commentating the Tour de France and other cycling races since the early 1970s. His voice and “Liggettisms” are a major part of the sport for fans not only in the US, but in English speaking countries around the world ….

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Phil Liggett

Cycling commentator coming to Seattle

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USA Pro Cycling Challenge in Colorado announces TV coverage

This summer's pro-level bicycle race across Colorado has undergone an identity and logo makeover before the inaugural event has even left the starting line.

The Quizno's Pro Challenge is now the 2011 USA Pro Cycling Challenge, as announced in Denver on Tuesday. The sandwich-maker is still the main sponsor, but from here on, the Aug. 22-28 bicycle race shall be known by its new name.

Organizers also revealed that the new tie-up of NBC Sports and Versus will have broadcast rights to the bike race with more than 25 hours of live coverage over the 7-day period ….

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Quizno's Pro Challenge becomes USA Pro Cycling Challenge. Aug. 22-28, 2011

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Tour of the Basque Country

Monday through Saturday on Universal Sports.

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Dominic Gill's “Take a Seat” bicycle tour on cable TV Monday night

Finally. A documentary about a cross-country bicycle tour has made it to prime time TV.

“Take a Seat: Sharing a Ride Across America” is a 10-part series about cyclist Dominic Gill's TransAmerica travels on a tandem bicycle with 10 different companions, all of whom go through life with different physical disabilities.

The show premiers at 8 and 8:30 p.m. (ET/PT) Monday with back-to-back episodes on the Universal Sports cable network. The adventure series is a first for the sports network, which also broadcasts cycling events, including the Tour of the Basque Country on Monday through Friday this week…..

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Broadcast schedule for “Take a Seat”

Universal Sports

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Dom and Ernie

Dominic Gill takes Ernie Greenwald on his tandem bicycle. Ernie was just one of his companions on a 104-day cross country bicycle trip that's being aired in a 10-part series on Universal Sports. Photo from the Take a Seat: Sharing a Ride Across America website.

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Off the beaten bike path of the Cedar River Trail; March tale of the tape

William Least Heat Moon admonished motorists to get off the interstate highways to explore the nation's back roads in his book “Blue Highways.”

He said that we get so locked into getting to a destination, we miss the surrounding countryside.

The same can be said of bicycling along a rail-to-trail, like the Cedar River Trail that runs between Renton and Maple Valley southeast of Seattle. I've used this trail as a thoroughfare to the rural bicycle routes in the area, but I rarely explore the trail surroundings.

This past month I rolled down there on my Rockhopper and followed some of the dirt paths that veer off the paved 17-mile trail. I stumbled across a wetland natural area that's a winter home for waterfowl and debris left over from an old brick plant …..

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WSJ needs to learn to share the road with bicyclists

Another columnist at the Wall Street Journal has opened up his box of crayons and scribbled a piece that subtracts from the sum of human knowledge. This time it's about bicycles.

The author is P.J. O'Rourke, a branded conservative humorist. I've never thought his writing was all that funny, but I'm generally not a fan of writing with that political bent.

In this piece — “Dear Urban Cyclists; Go Play in Traffic” — he spews about bicycles and how they don't belong on the roads. At issue is the increased installation of bicycle lanes around New York City. They take up room that should be reserved for automobiles, you know.

At one point, I thought he must be using his skills of satire to mock the arguments put forward by reactionaries who write those ill-informed letters to the editor about bicycle use in urban areas. ….

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