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Tyler Hamilton suspended from pro cycling for two years

(Updated April 19) US cycling took a one-two punch on Monday. First Lance Armstrong announced he would retire after this year's Tour de France, then US cyclist Tyler Hamilton, left, was banned from competitive cycling for two years after testing positive for blood doping.

The US Anti-Doping Agency made the announcement on Monday. Hamilton said he would appeal the ruling by the arbitration board that heard his case and ruled in a 2-1 split.

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Tyler Hamilton

Suspended from racing on April 18 for two years by US anti-doping agency

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Lance Armstrong: This Tour de France is my last race

Lance Armstrong announced that he would retire from professional cycling at the close of the 2005 Tour de France. He made his announcement on Monday at the Tour de Georgia press conference in Augusta, Ga.

“This Tour de France will be my last race as a professional cyclist,” he said, choking on the words. This brings to an end his 14 years of professional cycling in which he survived cancer, won a record six Tour de France championships, and became a household word around much of the world.

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Lance Armstrong in yellow

Is there any other color?

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Lance Armstrong live on OLN Monday

What is Lance Armstrong's big announcement at Monday's press conference preceding the Tour de Georgia? If you can get to a TV with cable that carries the Outdoor Life Network, you can find out immediately.

OLN is covering the announcement live at about 2:30 p.m. (ET). Unfortunately, due to scheduling and bicycling's place in the pecking order against hunting and …

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National Park Service logo

Some national parks allow for bicycling on roads closed to motor vehicles.

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Cycling Yellowstone's roads without all the traffic

Note to self:
Yellowstone National Park staff begins plowing snow from roads the first Monday in March.
Cars and other vehicles aren't allowed onto park roads until the third Friday in April.
In the meantime, the roads are open to bicycle riders.

The Yellowstone ride sounds like a magical journey. There are other national parks that sometimes restrict motor vehicles, giving cyclists free reign. The Smoky Mountains and Grand Canyon are two places where I've bicycled on roads closed to cars.

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Island community seeks cycling restrictions

The turf battle for bicyclists using Mercer Island's roads and trails has made it to City Hall.

The island's councilmembers are looking for ways to deal with cyclists who use the island's narrow, winding loop road and sometimes scare pedestrians on the cross-island bike-hike trail.

Mercer Island is both a popular destination and thoroughfare for cyclists. A narrow loop road offers scenic views …

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Al Galletly

Connecticut man has cycled cross-country twice — once to raise money for Alzheimer's research and once leading the “Young at Heart Tour” of bicyclists aged 55 and over.

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