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MS Bike Tour; cycling for a cause

What's the largest single event for bicycle touring each year? I'd say it would have to be the MS Bike Tour.

The fund-raiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society is actually more than one event; it comprises more than 100 rides in 48 states this year. Last year, the MS Society estimated about 100,000 cyclists pedaled in the rides….

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MS bike tour logo

MS logo

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Cyclist, 82, nearly circles globe — 10 miles at a time

Those cycling miles can really add up if you keep at it. Consider Dudley Boycott. He rides just 10 to 12 miles a day when the weather is nice, but he's logged about 25,000 miles in the past 13 years.

Now 82, the Maryland resident tells the Dundalk Eagle that he started riding on doctor's orders. Boycott had diabetes and the …

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Dudley Boycott

82 year old cyclist from Edgemere, Md. He doesn't wear a helmet.

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Bicycle quote: Tom Danielson's coach

“It's important for Tom to understand that he's not just another lieutenant in (Armstrong's) army. Tom represents the future for Lance's new plan: pass the wisdom down to the prodigy. There's really no better place for (Danielson) to be. Those guys were expendable, but he's the next generation.”

Rick Crawford, coach to Tour de Georgia winner Tom Danielson, referring to …

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Ohio couple win a Maryland bicycle shop

An Ohio bicycle repairman and his wife are the proud winners of a bicycle shop in Maryland.

Several months ago, the owners of the C&O Bicycle shop in Hancock, Maryland, offered to give away their business — lock, stock, and bicycle — to the author of the best essay about how to help cyclists and promote cycling in the area….

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African nation bans, then permits, bicycle taxis

The president of Burundi has rescinded an order banning the use of bicycle taxis in his country just hours after the nation's transportation minister signed the order into law.
The dictum would have put 100,000 bicycle taxi drivers out of work in a country that doesn't have a lot of fallback employment opportunites.

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Is your local bicycle shop in the top 100?

I got excited when I ran across this list of the top 100 bicycle shops.
Finally, I thought, someone has gone to the trouble to create an up-to-date guide to the best shops in the US. Now I can find someone who I can trust to repair my bicycle without ripping me off or making it worse than before….

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Harley's Bicyce shop

slightly off kilter photo from website:

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US cyclist Tom Danielson takes Tour de Georgia

In a bicycle race that American Lance Armstrong was expected to dominate, it was three other US riders who took the podium in the Tour de Georgia.

After Sunday's 125-mile stage, the Tour de Georgia podium was populated by three Americans, Tom Danielson (Discovery) who finished first overall, Levi Leipheimer (Gerolsteiner) second, and Floyd Landis (Phonak) third.

Danielson had captured …

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