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Summer reruns – French accuse Armstrong of doping

They say where there's smoke there's fire. But sometimes the smoke isn't smoke at all, but fumes. And fumes can come from a completely different source.

So we should probably consider the source of these latest doping allegations against Lance Armstrong.

L'Equipe, the French sporting newspaper, is at it again. In Tuesday's editions, L'Equipe alleges Armstrong took the performance-enhancing drug EPO …

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“The Armstrong Lie”

The front page of L'Equipe's special edition on blood doping allegations raised once again against Armstrong.

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Leipheimer survives time trial; retains lead in Tour of Germany

Jan Ullrich won the 18.6-mile individual time trial in the Tour of Germany bicycle race on Monday, but he couldn't make up the 1-minute and 26-second margin of US cyclist Levi Leipheimer to take the overall lead.

With one day left in the 9 stage tour, Leipheimer has a 31-second edge on Ullrich, who now sits in second overall. …

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Hamilton pedals back into racing

Look who showed up as the winner of the grueling Mt. Washington bicycle climb in New Hampshire on Saturday — Tyler Hamilton.

The 34-year-old racer is appealing a two-year suspension from professional cycling for blood doping. His case goes to the UCI on Sept. 6 for a hearing, according to the Tour de France 2005 blog.  He was able to compete in the Mt. …

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President Bush and Armstrong at Crawford ranch

White House photo by Paul Morse during Armstrong's Aug. 20 visit to Bush's ranch.

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Armstrong and Bush saddle up

So fellow Texans Lance Armstrong and George Bush took their bicycle ride Saturday, cycling about 17 miles around the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas.
No press allowed, just staff and Secret Service. Armstrong's sponsor, the Discovery Channel, also had a crew present to film the event for a program to air next week.
Neither Armstrong nor Bush spoke to reporters, although White …

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Armstrong's bicycle ride with Bush gets political

It ain't as easy as it used to be to go for a plain ol' bike ride, especially if you're Lance Armstrong heading over for a ride at the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas.
A little backcountry cycling has shifted into some political drama involving the ongoing Iraq war.
For one, there's Cindy Sheehan and other antiwar …

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Armstrong mobbed in Colorado

Lance Armstrong's appearance at a fitness club in Lowry, Colorado, drew more than 1,500 spectators on Wednesday.

The Rocky Mountain News reported that one Armstrong fan showed up at 6 a.m. to see the recently retired 7-time Tour de France champion. Others showed up later in the afternoon and many left work early, so many that the fire department closed …

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US's Leipheimer takes lead in Tour of Germany

Jan Ullrich must be getting sick and tired of playing second fiddle to these American cyclists. First he was bested by Lance Armstrong, again, in the 2005 Tour de France. Now he's been passed in his homecourt Tour of Germany by Levi Leipheimer, left, riding for Gerolsteiner.
Ullrich, the German cyclist who finished third in this year's Tour de France, …

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Levi Leipheimer

US rider on Gerolsteiner

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