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Should Lance make a comeback?

I can't decide whether or not I'd like to see Lance Armstrong make a comeback to pro cycling.

In what could be the shortest retirement in sports history, Armstrong is already talking about getting back on the bicycle. This just six weeks after the conclusion of the Tour de France, which he said absolutely would be his last race.

He …

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Lance Armstrongs powers to finish in Mende in 2005 Tour de France

Photo by Becky Bisbee

Just like on the podium in Paris, Armstrong, Ivan Basso, and Jan Ullirch ride to the finish line in Mende in the Tour de France.

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Last chance for Hamilton?

American cyclist Tyler Hamilton is pleading his case this week.
The cyclist considered most likely to take the mantle from Lance Armstrong's shoulders is appealing his two-year suspension from professional cycling for allegedly blood doping to enhance performance.
Hamilton and his lawyers and officials from the US Anti-Doping Agency are presenting each sides' evidence to the Swiss-based Court for Arbitration …

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Petacchi wins again at Vuelta bike race

Italian sprinter Alessandro Petacchi continued to rack up wins at the Vuelta a Espana on Thursday, posting stage victory #4 this year and the 16th in his career.

The overall standings remain unchanged, with Denis Menchov (Rabobank) in 1st, followed by Roberto Heras (Liberty Seguros) 47 seconds behind and Francisco Mancebo (Illes Balears) in 3rd, trailing 1-minute and …

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Cycling from north to south through the Americas

What critter posed the biggest threat to Jason Hill at the beginning of his 19,000-mile bicycle ride? The bear.
What critter actually has caused the most problems? The mosquito.
The 34-year-old cyclist, shown here at the Arctic Circle in June, is pedaling from the Arctic Circle to Tierra del Fuego. He expects the trip will take him two years. While most bicycle …

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Ruth Thomas bicycling on a busy road in Kentucky

The Washington state woman has been bicycling to each state's smallest town since 1998. From

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Bicycle quote: Escape from New Orleans

“So, we had no choice but to keep going.”

Kim Mason, telling a reporter about being denied entry to overcapacity emergency shelters as she escaped New Orleans by bicycle after its destruction by Hurriane Katrina. Buying 2 bikes on the street for $160, she and a friend left the convention center, walked through thigh-high water at times, and ended up …

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Armstrong-Crow engaged; Lance to ride again?

Lance Armstrong and rock-star girlfriend Sheryl Crow are going to pedal down the aisle together.

The Paceline confirms that Armstrong and Crow became engaged last Wednesday while vacationing in Sun Valley, Idaho, on a mountain biking vacation.

No wedding date has been set, but the Associated Press reports it could be this spring.

This would be Armstrong's second marriage. His …

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Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong at Grammys

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Mostly Spanish cyclists among leaders, but Russian still rules

Except for the lone Russian in the leader's golden jersey (Denis Menchov, left), the Spaniards controlled the Vuelta a Espana bicycle race Tuesday in the Pyrenees.

Roberto Laiseka of Euskaltel-Euskadi won the 119-mile stage from Andorra to Cerler, but he had five riders with him …

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