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Tour of Hope cyclists finish first leg

As I write this Friday morning, 24 cyclists in the Tour of Hope are pulling into Phoenix, Arizona. Less than 24 hours ago, they left San Diego with Lance Armstrong.

The cyclists' lives have all been touched by cancer. Some are cancer survivors and advocates, others are nurses, researchers or doctors in the field. They all underwent rigorous training …

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Lance Armstrong leads Tour of Hope in San Diego

Twenty-four cyclists whose lives have been touched by cancer are making a 9-nine, 3,300-mile cross-country bike ride to raise awareness and funds for cancer research on the Tour of Hope.

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Final Cascade cycling event for '05

The daily drizzle is descending on us in the Pacific Northwest, which means its time to mount those fenders on the bike. It also means the Cascade Bicycle Club's final event of the year — the Kitsap Color Classic — begins Sunday morning.

For most of us, the ride starts with a ferry ride across the Puget Sound from Edmonds to …

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Kitsap Color Classic

Cascade Bicycle Club

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Curvy bicycle

Not ready for touring, but what a cool ride. At Instructable; Step by Step Collaboration. Search “bike.”

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And the most bicycle friendly city in the US is …

Davis, California. The League of American Bicyclists recognized the city as its only platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community on Wednesday.

Why Davis, you ask? Is it because the city features that cool highwheeler in its logo?

League of American Bicyclists executive director Andy Clarke says 17 percent of journeys to work are made by bicycle. Davis has more than …

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Davis logo

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“Hey Gyro Gearloose, Interbike is open”

Serious cycling enthusiasts are wearing their drool bibs this week as the Interbike Expo bicycle show gets underway in Las Vegas.

The bicycle world's annual gear fest hosts about 750 companies at the Sands Convention Center where thousands of buyers and cyclists roam to ogle the products from the US, China, Taiwan, and the European Union.

The notable exception is Trek…

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Full details of Lance Armstrong concert in Austin Oct. 2

The Paceline has the lowdown on all the details of the free  “Lance Thanks Austin” concert featuring fiancee Sheryl Crow from 4 to 7 p.m. Oct. 2.

One major change; it's at Auditorium Shores not Zilker Park. Both are on Town Lake. Auditorium Shores is the park next to the First Street Bridge with the Stevie Ray Vaughan statue…

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