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Leapin' Leipheimers! Cyclist Levi gets a parade

Pro cyclist Levi Leipheimer is getting a hometown parade in Butte, Montana, in his honor.
Why Leipheimer? The former member of Lance Armstrong's US Postal team had an outstanding year cycling in Europe.
Now cycling for Gerolsteiner, Leipheimer finished the year by winning the Tour of Germany, a nine-stage bicycle race …

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Earphones and bicycling don't mix

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Former Postal doc retracts dopey comments on pro cyclists

Former US Postal Service pro cycling team doctor Prentice Steffens alleged last week that blood doping was common in the peloton.
He retracted those statements over the weekend and apologized to Lance Armstrong, among others.
Steffens' initial comments appeared in the French sporting newspaper L'Equipe. He was quoted in context of the doping scandal raised by L'Equipe over allegations that Armstrong …

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Cycling volunteer nears Louisiana destination

I just received an email from Helen Roberts, the Colorado cyclist who is riding her bicycle to Baton Rouge to raise funds and awareness for the victims of last month's hurricanes.
Once she arrives, she plans to volunteer with the Red Cross. Here's what she has to say:

“Yes, the ride has been amazing, and embarrassingly easy, with the exception …

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Poor communication at washed-out Tour of Hope finale

They didn't get to ride, but the 1,500 cyclists who signed up for the 50-mile final leg of the Tour of Hope accomplished what they set out to do: raise money for cancer research.
Heavy rains, 7.25 inches in two days, according to Operation Gadget, forced cancellation of the Grand Finale of the cross-country bicycling tour to raise funds and awareness in the battle against cancer.
There were some bloggers among the cyclists …

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Tour of Hope grand finale cancelled for cyclists

This has to be a huge disappointment for 1,500 cyclists who raised money to ride the final leg of Lance Armstrong's cross-country Tour of Hope.

Heavy rains in Washington DC forced cancellation of the grand finale activities at the Ellipse, where the grounds were flooded. Dave Aeillo, the blogger at Operation Gadget, took this picture from the starting line …

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Tour of Hope starting line

Photo by Dave Aeillo

View of the starting line at Howard County Community College taken by Dave Aeillo. Rains washed out the grand finale at the Ellipse in Washington DC.

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Washington Monument

View of Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial from across the Potomac River on the morning of Tour of Hope ride, Saturday, Oct. 8, 2005.

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SkidStrong fixie benefits bike messengers

Cycles Gaansari has created a new bicycle brand that helps raise money for bike messengers who've been injured on the job.
A portion of the proceeds from the sales of bikes and gear with the company's SkidStrong brand goes to the nonprofit Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund.
The emergency fund, based in Sarasota, Florida, gets some fast cash out to bicycle messengers …

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New SkidStrong track style bike

SkidStrong created for messengers or wanna-be's. Portion of proceeds to Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund. 

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