Author's posts

Josie Johnson

Utah cyclist killed Sept. 18, 2004.

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Is cycling with earphones a good idea?

“On your left….” “ON YOUR LEFT…!” “HELLO?”
Just a snippet of a one-way conversation I had with a bicycle-riding couple on the Lake Washington bike trail a few weeks ago.
They were toodling along on their bikes, side-by-side, oblivious to the world around them. When we reached a hill and the guy rode a little bit ahead, I had a …

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Adventure Cycling Association, coming to a city near you

Next year marks the 30th anniversary of Bikecentennial, the predecessor to the Adventure Cycling Association. Staff members will be hitting the road to talk about what's new.

For the most part, cross-country touring all started with Bikecentennial. Sure, bicyclists had picked their way from one coast to the other before then. But 1976 — the nation's bicentennial — marked the first time …

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Pearlington, MS, not forgotten by cycling volunteer

Helen Roberts, the cycling volunteer from Colorado, has reached Baton Rouge where she's awaiting a ride to hurricane-devastated Pearlington, Mississippi. Pearlington is a small river town that's been all but ignored by federal relief agencies.

Helen left Aspen in mid-September on her Cannondale, pulling a trailer with 50 pounds of gear. In a few days, she'll be living in a brick school house, one of the few buildings left standing…

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Pearlington, Mississippi

Helen Roberts' destination. The town has been devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

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Don’t fret over bike saddle; it might only make things worse

Cyclists shouldn't be suffering a lot of fear and loathing over the possibilities of male impotence caused by bike saddles. Anyway, isn't anxiety a major cause of erectile dysfunction?

The New York Times interviewed several specialists in a story this week (“Serious Riders, Your Bicycle Seat May Affect Your Love Life”) that concludes that most bike saddles do little to protect the sex organs …

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Bicycle quote: Free bikes in Santa Cruz

“This is insane, absolutely insane. They're taking care of us for sure. These are perfectly running bikes. They hooked it up.” …

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The Spongy Wonder

The Spongy Wonder bicycle seat

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The Bi-Saddle

The BiSaddle, whose slogan is “one cheek at a time.”

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Brooks leather saddle

The Brooks B-17 champion standard at Brooks saddle website..

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