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Bike parts fashioned into objects d'art at Arizona shop

Is it art? Or is it a bicycle component?

The Bicycle Inter-Community Action and Salvage project of Tucson answers that question Sunday at its 10th annual art auction.

BICAS is a nonprofit community coop where people can buy or rent bicycles.

But most importantly, it's a place where people can learn how to do repairs on their own bicycles. Cyclists …

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Cyclist Leipheimer mountain biking in California off-season

Levi Leipheimer, one of three US cyclists with a shot at winning next year's Tour de France, is taking it easy in the off-season at his home in Santa Rosa.

The soft-spoken 32-year-old told the Santa Rosa Press Democrat that he's been mountain biking Annadel and Spring Lake with his cycling mates this fall, but last week started riding his racing …

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Cyclist Hincapie touted for SI's Sportsman of the Year

Sports Illustrated has picked a “Sportsman of the Year” since it first began publishing in 1954. SI columnist Trisha Blackmar backs pro cyclist George Hincapie for the award in 2005.

She cites the difficulties of the sport of cycling, the American's achievements this year and the teamwork that exemplifies Hincapie's attitude when it comes to his team's boss, Lance Armstrong….

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Future San Francisco bicycle race hits pothole

Just when pro cycling is looking up in the Golden State with the announcement of the Tour of California, next year's San Francisco Grand Prix has been threatened over some unpaid bills.

The city's supervisors are in a snit over $90,000 in unpaid bills for police protection that the Grand Prix organizers didn't pay from the 2004 event before …

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Trike into bike one of Time's amazing inventions

I did a double-take when I saw the cover of the latest Time magazine. There is a picture of the SHIFT, the tricycle that turns into a bicycle as it rolls faster.

Time had judged the tricycle one of most amazing inventions of 2005. My blog covered the Purdue University student project back in April after it took the first …

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Mark your 2006 calendar for week-long bike rides

Biking Bis contains a lot of bicycling related news, but its main thrust is bicycle touring.

Some of my favorite cycling days occurred on week-long rides in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington state — CAM Tour, Bike Virginia, and RAW. So when I started the blog last winter, I listed all the week-long bicycle rides I could find …

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RAGBRAI cyclists

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Photo by ttilev at

Two of 8,000-plus riding across Iowa in 2005.

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On the road again, Mike Ridgeway cycling to Arizona

Tom Ridgeway is back in the saddle again, cycling cross-country for a cause.

The 45-year-old Lancaster, Pennsylvania, cyclist has been involved in long-range bicycling fund-raisers and awareness-raising events since 1993. That's the year he began circling the US in a 13,000-mile bike ride to raise awareness about AIDS.

Right now he's scheduled to be wrapping up an approximately 2,000-mile bike …

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Mike Ridgeway completes '97 ride; he cycling again

Pennsylvanian cyclist Mike Ridgeway poses with the eight AIDS quilt panels he carried cross-country to San Francisco in 1997. Ridgeway is on another cross-country Dream Ride for two memorial funds, one for AIDS and another for air quality.

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