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Five LiveStrong rides planned for 2006

Lance Armstrong may have retired from cycling, but his foundation is working harder than ever — five LiveStrong rides are in the planning stages for 2006.

New cities being talked about for next year include Denver, someplace in the Northeast, possibly Hartford, and a location in Southern California, possibly in Southern California.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation held two rides in …

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Face-to-face on Colorado bike event limits

Three Colorado state legislators will sit down with State Police head Mark Trostel to discuss his order limiting the size of organized bicycle events at 2,500 riders, VeloNews reports.

Not surprisingly, all three legislators are cyclists.

The bike rider cap would kill the 7,000-strong Elephant Rock Bicycle Festival and might prevent some fund-raising rides, such as the Lance Armstrong Foundation's …

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Building a bicycle for Africa

The Kona Bicycle Co. is faced with the challenge of developing a bike for use by health-care workers in Botswana.

I wrote about Bicycling magazine's Biketown Africa project yesterday. The magazine, Kona and the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation are donating 200 bicycles to help health-care workers deliver treatment to AIDS and HIV patients in cities and rural areas of Botswana. …

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Frame design for Kona's Africa bike

Kona is developing a bicycle for use by health care workers in Botswana. The Kona blog explains the designing of it.

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Best Bike Blogs of 2005 contest

The blogger over at Cyclelicious is taking nominations for the Best Bike Blogs of 2005. It suddenly adds an air of legitimacy to what we do.

There are already quite a few on the list, some that I've never seen. If you have one you'd like to nominate, leave a comment over there. Apparently the voting takes place later this …

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Bicycle quote: Lance Armstrong's politics

“Lance is a friend of Bush. And because of that he's considered guilty by association.

“But he's actually a Democrat. We both feel the same about the war, about the environment, about choice, about education. We pretty much are in agreement about everything.” …

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Cyclists have right to Kentucky roads, court rules

Time for a little reality check: A cyclist hit by a passing pickup truck pulling two trailers had to take her case all the way to the Kentucky Supreme Court to affirm her right to the road.

The court struck down a ruling that essentially blamed the cyclist for being on the road when the vehicle hit her, according to the League of American Bicyclists.

When I read about all the laws being passed to support cyclists, “share the road” license plates being printed and road signs posted, it's shocking to learn how people — including judges — view cyclists' rights to the road. Non-existent. …

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BikeTown project moves to Africa

Just when I'm ready to throw my subscription to the advertising supplement named Bicycling magazine out with the trash, I see they've expanded their worthwhile BikeTown project to Africa.

BikeTown is Bicycling magazine's attempt, together with other sponsors, to get more people in the saddle by giving away bicycles then reporting on their lifestyle changes. Since it began in 2003, BikeTown has …

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They're back! Tour de Georgia bike race cities announced

Those rolling peaches are back, as the Tour de Georgia announced the dates and host cities for its 2006 bike race.

Next year's fourth annual bicycle race is scheduled for April 18 – 23 over much of the same routes as previous years' races. The 2006 Tour de Georgia will slip into Tennessee for some cycling, though …

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Tour de Georgia logo

Sans sponsor

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