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Cycling with Saddam

Can you imagine Saddam Hussein tooling around Iraq on a bicycle?
According to one of his attorneys, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, that's one way the former dictator got around Iraq after the US invasion.

“I think he moved in different ways. I think he moved on bicycle, moved in groups, in a wagon … “

Clark told CNN's …

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Cycling the New York City transit strike

The first thing I hear on the radio this morning is that thousands more people are riding their bikes or walking in New York City this morning.

Here are some online resources for bus or subway commuters who have suddenly taken up bicycle commuting. …

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Free bike parking in New York City

Photo by sgoralnick at

A sign directs cyclists to free parking for bicycle commuters in New York City.

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No Lance at 2006 Tour de France

This sounds odd, but Lance Armstrong says he won't appear at the 2006 Tour de France, even though he'll be in France.

The 7 time Tour de France winner says he won't appear along the route, even though he's an advisor to the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team.

I suppose Armstrong's nose is out of joint over the L'Equipe's …

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Tell your Lance Armstrong story to Sony

Apparently there's a Lance Armstrong movie in the works at Sony and Columbia Pictures. They're looking for stories from everyday people who were inspired by Armstrong's life.

According to the Armstrong movie project website:

“Columbia Pictures and Lance Armstrong are teaming up to bring Lance's life-story of perserverance, courage, and survival to the screen. Lance Armstrong has inspired millions …

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Bicycle quote: Bike tourists' take on the “Show Me” state

“Usually after a few days of cycling in a state, we'd get an overall sense of the place. But in Missouri we said, 'Huh?' right up to the border.” …

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Lexus vs. bicycle hit-and-run on my side of town

I've become a little jaded by the constant reports of hit-and-run accidents against bicyclists in my news searches; but it's startling to read one from my end of town.

Cyclist Ed Schmidt was riding his bicycle up the steep climb on the Forest Drive bike lane in Bellevue at 5:12 Tuesday evening when he was struck from behind by a …

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Ban bicycle baby carriers from Washington roads?

Washington State Sen. Jim Honeyford has prefiled a bill that restricts the use of bicycle baby carriers on roads in the state.
Labeled SB 6142, the bill states:

A person shall not operate a bicycle attached to an occupied baby carrier on a street or other public roadway, unless the bicycle is operated within a city or town that …

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Are these cyclists all wearing jockstraps?

Archived photo from Bike Athletic website.

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Armstrong to stand trial in Italy

An Italian judge has ordered that Lance Armstrong stand trial in a defamation suit next year brought by Italian cyclist Filippo Simeoni.

The Reuters news agency reports the suit against Armstrong revolves around statements 7-time Tour de France winner Armstrong made regarding Simeoni to a French newspaper in 2003.

In the article, Armstrong calls Simeoni a liar for his testimony …

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