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Bicycles representing injuries or fatalities

Photo from GhostCycle.

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Outdoor Person of the Year — Armstrong

Add another trophy to Lance Armstrong's shelf — Outdoor Person of the Year — chosen by Hooked on the Outdoor Magazine.

The Armstrong award is explained at

“When Hooked on the Outdoors, one of the least commercialized, backyard outdoor magazines available chooses one of the most commercialized athletes of present day to receive its prestigious Outdoor Person of …

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Break-up or hitch-up for Lance and Sheryl?

Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow are definitely splitsville. I've got it on good authority from Madame Rosa, the pet psychic, who was trying to contact our cat that died a couple of years ago.

Instead of contacting Manny, however, she learned that Sheryl was secretly dating — you guessed it — Elvis. Lance found out, and now he's pulled out of the race.

The gossip columns actually are reporting (and that's using the word loosely) …

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Winter cycling

If you ride your bicycle all winter through snow, ice, and freezing temperatures, then congratulations, you're part of a trend discovered by the national news media. While that's kind of cool, cyclists should be on the lookout for signs of frostbite or hypothermia.

An Associated Press story in USA Today reports:

“From Minneapolis to Milwaukee, from Alaska and Illinois to Sweden and even Russia, winter bikers — and the clubs and websites devoted to them — are springing up all over the place. …

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Snowy bike path

Photo by RedMars at

Cyclists and a few pedestrians leave tracks in the snow.

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Xtracycle — the sport utility bicycle

We've all probably cursed under our breath at SUV drivers; but I'd never criticize the driver of an SUB — sport utility bicycle.

Xtracycle, a small California company, makes SUBs, or bikes that haul. Company president, Kipchoge Spencer, talks about the bikes designed to replace car-trips in an interview with Grist magazine. How does he describe the bike?

“Acts like a bike but works like a truck.” …

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Xtracycle in action

Photo from Xtracycle gallery

Xtracycle extends the load carrying ability of a bicycle, turning it into what designers call a sport utility bicycle — SUB.

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The quest for 80 mph on a bicycle

Take one lightweight recumbent bicycle. Put a high-performance cyclist in the seat. Encase both in a bullet-shaped carbon fiber shell. Pedal like crazy!

What you have is a human-powered vehicle that just might be capable of hitting speeds of 80 mph. …

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World's fastest human

Sam Whittingham piloting one of the versions of Varna Diablo. Together the two have set the World Human Powered Vehicle speed record of 81 mph over a distance of 200 meters.

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High speed in the desert

Warren Beauchamp in the Cuda -W cruising at 64 mph at the World Human Powered Speed Challenge last fall in Nevada.

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