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Rocket bike

I've seen this picture on a couple of different bicycling websites, but thought it was a fake image doctored with a little dash of PhotoShop.

C'mon. Who would strap a rocket engine to a bicycle? If you can believe and Popular Mechanics, a rocket designer named Tim Pickens would. Pickens, who created this rocket bike that can accelerate …

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Rocket bike image

Strap a rocket on your bike. Developed by Tim Pickens. Reported in Popular Science.

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The Race to Replace

The Race to Replace is the name of an Internet and TV campaign that the Discovery Channel is launching to hype up the question of Lance Armstrong's replacement as leader of the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team.
Who will it be? The team presented 27 cyclists from 15 countries on its roster at a press conference in Beverly Hills on Tuesday; a handful could be counted as candidates.
Probably the leading contender for the American audience is George Hincapie …

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Best and worst cities for cyclists

The 21 best US cities for cycling — and three of the worst — are touted in the March issue of Bicycling magazine.

Writer Brian Fiske appears to have made the choices based on several factors, such as availability of bike lanes and bike paths in the cities, the strength of bicycle advocacy groups, the city government's willingness to support …

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Mon Dieu! 2007 Tour de France begins in London

Bike racing fans considering seeing the 2007 Tour de France should put the UK on their itinerary.

The mayor of London announced his city would host the prologue on July 8, 2007 and the first official stage on July 9 before the peloton heads across the Channel to more familiar territory.

The Washington Post reports a proposed Tour de France …

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Want to start a bike shop? Read this first

Greg Overman says he was an avid cyclist when he got into the bicycle industry. Now, as co-owner of the Bike Coop Ltd. in Albuquerque, he has a complaint about the job:

“I don't get to ride anymore. Be careful what you ask for … “

Overman participated in a couple of Q&A type profiles lately (Monday's Albuquerque Tribune…

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Wheels at a bike shop

Photo by Spanish Flea at

Wheels lined up like a bulls-eye at a bike shop.

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To flip or not to flip – poll results

The  majority of cyclists who took the “To  flip or not to flip” poll on this site responded that flipping off or yelling or cursing at motorists is confrontational and should be avoided.

Fifty-six percent said they don't confront motorists, 17 percent said they believe it's instructional to alert motorists to their errors, and 26 percent said it doesn't matter, …

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Are LiveStrong wristbands yesterday's trend?

Do you still wear your yellow LiveStrong bracelet? I don't.

It's nothing against cyclist Lance Armstrong, or the Foundation's goal to raise funds for cancer survivorship and research. I still support those causes.

I wore the wristband for about a year and a half, beginning the day it was given to me by a bicycle enthusiast who was undergoing chemo. I stopped wearing  it after I …

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Black Label bike club documentary

Bicycle jousting. Flaming bicycle tires. Tall bicycle welding. Civil disobedience.

And that's just the trailer for the documentary “B.I.K.E.”, one of the films at this year's Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

The Slamdance festival, in its 12th year, takes place at the same time as Robert Redford's popular Sundance film festival, but features first-time filmmakers working on a shoestring budget….

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