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Curtlo Cycles at bike expo

While several foreign and domestic bike manufacturers peddle their wares at the Seattle Bike Expo, it's a showcase for bicycles made in the Pacific Northwest. Here's a bike from Curtlo Cycles in Wintrop, Washington. The company has been making steel-frame bikes for about 20 years. Road, cyclocross, tandem, mountain, take your pick.


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Burley's new touring bike

First came the trailer, then the tandems, then the 'bents. Now Eugene, Oregon-based Burley is making touring bicycles. Chad put one on display at the Seattle Bike Expo. Although its been changed slightly by the local owner — for instance bar-end shifters instead of STI's, the relaxed angles of the steel frame are evident.


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Cycle-Pak for traveling cyclists

Necessity is the mother of invention, and Michael Wilberding thought he'd share his invention with the world. This heavy-walled cardboard bicycle shipping box offers economical protection for bikes. Michael's been selling these for about six months and the Seattle Bike Expo was his first show. Visit his website at Cycle-Pak.

See also: “Cycle-Pak found dies …

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Bike Expo parking lot

Doing their part to encourage cycling, the Cascade Bicycle Club set aside this very busy lot for Expo visitors who arrived by bicycle.


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Crowds at Seattle Bike Expo

Thousands of Northwest cyclists showed up at Hangar 27 at Magnuson Park in Seattle Saturday and Sunday for the Seattle Bike Expo. They saw some of the latest and coolest bicycles and gear as well as offerings from touring companies among the 150 exhibitors.


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Bob Roll and Paul Sherwen back to work on ESPN2

The long drought is over. Cycling is back. And I'm glad that Paul Sherwen and Bob Roll got the nod to do the commentary for the Amgen Tour of California nightly telecasts on ESPN2. It was like hearing from old friends.

Roll sounded in midseason form with his fractured Tour 'Day' France pronounciations, and Sherwen had no trouble getting all hyped up …

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Leipheimer grimaces on climb up Coit Tower hill

Photo by bigempty at

Levi Leipheimer rides hard uphill on way to podium in Tour of California prologue.

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Schwarzenegger and Leipheimer

Photo by visceralpleasures at

Levi Leipheimer gets the gold jersey in prologue of Tour of California

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Leapin' Lizards! Levi Leipheimer wins Tour of California prologue

American cyclist Levi Leipheimer won the opening 1.9-mile San Francisco prologue on Sunday with a time of 4:53.43.

If anyone's a homeboy on this prologue, it's Leipheimer. Although he grew up in Montana, the Gerolsteiner cyclist now lives just up the road from San Francisco in the wine country town of Santa Rosa.

While he rides the passes in and out of Santa Rosa and mountain bikes with the locals, he also may have tried his hand on this prologue route that winds its way from the Embarcadero to Coit Tower. …

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Where to watch Tour of California updated

Forty-five minutes into the prologue, I'd say there might be a few glitches in attempts to give “real-time” commentary on the Amgen Tour of California.

What's working best is the VeloNews live coverage. Just follow the link to the live page; you may not need to refresh to get updates.

Also,  the “play-by-play” at the Tour of California website …

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