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Bike maps for Boca Raton

Refering to city bike maps are a sure way to reduce the stress of cyclilng out into the road war ruled by automobiles.

City bike maps usually show routes designated as safe for cyclists, and the locations of bike lanes and bike paths.

Boca Raton, Florida, is spending $37,000 to print 10,000 bike maps that show 40 miles of bike lanes and 28 miles of bike paths through the city.

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Googling for cool mountain biking paths

I love looking at aerial views and maps, searching for the roads and seeing where they lead. And ever since I was bitten by the mountain biking bug, I've been checking around for places that might offer some good off-road cycling.

This aerial view came to me yesterday while I was looking at some new online maps. Looks like a cool canyon with access via dirt roads or dry stream beds. Kind of like the Grand Canyon. I suspect it's a pristine environment without a lot of tourists. That's because it's on Mars. …

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Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon with tilted perspective from Google Earth

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Google Mars, big

Screen shot of Google Mars map

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Mars map

Google Mars infrared image

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Cougar's attack of mountain biker leads to bike fund for kids

There's a split log “park bench” at the top of Dreaded Hill in the Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park in Orange County, California.

It marks the approximate location where Mark Reynolds was attacked by a mountain lion as he fixed the chain on his mountain bike and was killed in 2004. …

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Critical Mass not to your liking? How about cycling naked

Cyclists who feel a bottomless need to protest big oil and the use of non-renewable energy take to the streets twice a year — depending on their hemisphere — in the World Naked Bike Ride.

March 12 was the southern hemisphere's turn; protesting cyclists in the northern hemisphere take to the streets on June 10.

Explains the World Naked Bike Ride website:

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Poster for Seattle bike ride

Poster for Seattle's 2005 version of the World Naked Bike Ride.

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Metal Cowboy cyclist comes to Seattle

Joe Kurmaskie, the Metal Cowboy, will be in Seattle on Tuesday to talk about his latest cross-country cycling adventure with his two sons.

The author took to the road with his sons, ages 5 and 7, on a 14-foot-long rig that crossed 17 states from Portland to Washington DC last summer.

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Bench to commemorate Mark Reynolds

A cyclist checks out a split log bench built by friends of Mark Reynolds, a southern California mountain biker who was killed two years ago in a mountain lion attack.

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