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Filippo Pozzato

QuickStep cyclist wins Milan San Remo 2006

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Cycling cross-country to promote a book about brain-injury recovery

What do you do if you're 60 and suffer a brain aneurysm that renders you without the ability to read or write?

If you're Megan Timothy, left, you work hard for two years to recover your lost ability to communicate, write a book, sell it to a publisher and climb on a touring bicycle to make a cross-country book promotion tour.

“Because I've always been an adventurer, I'm going on this little adventure to prove myself whole again.” …

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Megan Timothy begins her bicycle tour

Megan Timothy, who is recovering from a brain aneurysm, is riding cross-country to promote her book.

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Cyclist and author Megan Timothy

Megan Timothy is riding her bicycle cross-country to promote a book she wrote about her brain aneurysm that left her without the ability to talk or write.

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8 ways to avoid becoming a statistic while bicycling

(See update below: “Back to reality”) Joe at the BikingToronto blog has an excellent summary of 8 strategies he uses to deal with traffic on his daily commute. He put in a lot of work on this and it's worth a look and a read.

You're probably familiar with most, if not all of these; I've read them all before, except one, at one place or another but it's always good to review. A couple are controversial, especially the debate between “taking the lane” or “staying way the hell to the right.” Another of his secrets is a pretty good piece of common sense. …

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Contest for do-it-yourselfers; any bike projects out there?

Take a look at the Instructables website and you quickly realize that American ingenuity is not dead — it's hard at work in the garage or basement.

The collaborative website offers step-by-step directions on how to make anything, including dozens of posts on making bicycles and biking accessories, as well as making stuff from old bicycle parts. …

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Do-it-yourself bike; what a sweet ride

One of many bike projects at the Instructables website.

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Lance Armstrong to drive Indy 500 pace car

What did the ads used to say for Benson & Hedges cigarettes? “You've come a long way baby!” Yeah, you ladies have come a long way toward increasing your cancer rate to that of men by smoking.

I'm thinking the same thing about Lance Armstrong this morning. The Tour de France blog cites a couple of sources that report Armstrong will drive the pace car in the upcoming Indianapolis 500. It probably will be a Corvette Z06….

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Bicycle quote: The simple beauty of bike touring

“You reach the top of a mountain pass … it’s real … it does something to you. Humping up a steep 1,000-foot elevation with 40 pounds of gear, it’s hard. You’ve accomplished something. And there’s still all this country there before you.”

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Redlands Bicycle Classic hosts public ride again

Weekend warriors can ride where the pros ride during this year's Redlands Bicycle Classic in southern California later this month.

After a year's hiatus which left 700 potential cyclists without an event, the public bicycle ride returns on March 25 during the three-day pro cycling event, scheduled March 24-26. …

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