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Jury awards $700,000 to cyclist in Tucson

Cities take note: Keep those bicycle routes and bike lanes clear of obstructions.

A jury in Tucson has awarded $700,000 to 47-year-old cyclist Tom Harris, who hit a sandbag holding down a construction sign, fell off his bike and was hit by a car in a three-year-old incident. …

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Machete bandits plague Latin America bike tours

The world is not always a friendly place for bicycle tourists.

Two pairs of cyclists wrote first hand reports in their bike journal blogs of being harassed recently in Latin America by locals armed with machetes. In one case the two bike riders lost a pannier to the bandits, who patted them down with the blunt ends of their weapons. …

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Rejoicing for long downhill cycling in Baja California

Brooks Allen celebrates a long downhill ride in Baja California. For more on his and Gregg Bleakney's ongoing journey to the tip of South America see Ribbon of Road.

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No help for Boston, 1 of worst cities for cycling

In spite of Boston being judged one of the worst cities for cyclists by Bicycling magazine this year, legislation that would offer relief to bicyclists appears to be going nowhere at the state capitol.

The Bicyclists' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities has been bottled up in Massachusetts for six years. The bill would give the bicycling public the same legal rights to the road and responsibilities as motorists. …

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Landis clinches 3rd major race of season at Tour de Georgia

Who's the great American hope in this year's Tour de France? You gotta believe that Floyd Landis is a top contender.

The Pennsylvania native and Southern California resident won the 6-day Ford Tour de Georgia on Sunday by finishing in the pack with a scant four-second lead over last year's winner, American Tom Danielson of the Discovery pro cycling team. …

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Brasstown Bald surprise at Tour de Georgia bike race

Here's a scenario I bet you didn't expect:

Tom Danielson, 4 seconds down in the General Classification, won Stage 5 atop Brasstown Bald on Saturday but didn't gain on Tour leader Floyd Landis because the Phonak cyclist finished on Danielson's back wheel.

With just Sunday's bike ride left in the 600-mile, 6-day race across Georgia, it looks like Landis is poised to win his third major bicycle race of the season. …

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Deja vu all over again at Tour de Georgia Stage 4

US cyclist Jason McCartney tried to turn back the clock to duplicate his Dahlonega stage win in 2004 on Friday, but it was US sprinter Freddy Rodriguez who was the more successful time traveler to win the stage.

US cyclist Floyd Landis held onto the overall lead in the Ford Tour de Georgia, thanks his Swiss Phonak team cutting into McCartney's lead over Woody Gap, the final climb of the day. …

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Landis wins poll; now can he win the Tour de Georgia? No prizes

More than half (51%) of the voters in the “Who will win the Tour de Georgia” poll picked current leader Floyd Landis to win the bike race, which ends Sunday.

I've been checking the results every night, and Landis was leading in the polling before he ever motored down the ramp for the individual time trial Thursday and took the lead. David Zabriskie of Team CSC was second, with 31%. …

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Floyd Landis; Tour de Georgia 2006

From Floyd Landis blog.

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Landis bicycles to Tour de Georgia lead

There goes that Floyd Landis again, winning another individual time trial on Thursday and jumping to the overall lead in the Ford Tour of Georgia bike race.

The Phonak team leader who lives in Southern California beat the field for the second year in a row, although his margin was less than in 2005. With a harrowing climb on Brasstown Bald coming up Saturday, it's up to Landis and his team to hold off last year's overall winner Tom Danielson of the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling team. …

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