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Bettini's premature pose at Giro d'Italia bike race

Make a note, Paolo Bettini: Don't raise your arms to celebrate a win unless you come in first.

QuickStep's sprinter struck the celebratory pose crossing the finish line for Stage 8 at the Giro d'Italia bike race, but it was Tomas Vaitkus of AG2R who won the stage. Giro favorite Ivan Basso keeps the leader's pink jersey, with little change in the overall classification. …

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This is why Ivan Basso is favorite in Giro d'Italia bike race

They way that Ivan Basso scampered up the final climb in Stage 8 of the Giro d'Italia leaves little doubt why he's favored to win the bike race this year.

Basso — what's he called, the Smiling Assassin — is a strong climber and has adopted the high revolution spinning style of Lance Armstrong. Also, Basso rides for an excellent team — Team CSC — with one of the best managers, former Tour de France winner Bjarne Riis. …

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T-Mobile keeps leader's jersey in Giro d'Italia bike race

The leading contenders in this year's Giro d'Italia bike race climbed the overall standings in the longest stage on Saturday, and the first in the mountains.

Serguei Honchar took the overall leader's pink jersey back from T-Mobile teammate Olaf Pollack as last year's winner Paolo Savoldelli (Discovery) and favorite Ivan Basso (Team CSC) climbed into second and third place overall. …

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Quote: The lonely life of a 44-year bike ride

“You need female companionship sometimes, but this is another person. And that's too bad because you have to deal with another person. …

“I've had many little affairs. Now, it's more complicated: I'm 66, and on a bicycle, and I sleep in a tent …”

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Bike on weekends where “they” drive Monday-Friday in Seattle

Lake Washington Boulevard in Seattle is closed to cars for 10 weekend days this spring and summer. Bicyclists can ride the scenic route between Mount Baker Beach and Seward Park — an 8-mile round trip — on selected Saturdays and Sundays beginning today.

This is not a place for hammer heads who are trying to set a personal best time trial. Think of getting the family out on their bikes; see and be seen; make new friends. …

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Hills in Giro d'Italia Stage 7

Maps at official Giro d'Italia website.

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Robbie McEwen pulls hat trick at Giro d'Italia bike race

Australian sprint specialist Robbie McEwen won his third stage of the Giro d'Italia bike race Friday, the 11th of his career.

The Davitamon-Lotto cyclist sat on Tomas Vaitkus's wheel as the peloton raced to the finish in Forli, then drove past him in the last 100 yards to take the win. Olaf Pollack (T-Mobile) finished second, and took the overall lead from teammate Serguei Honchar. …

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A TransAmerica bicycle tour in 1984

I always get a little distracted this time of the spring. It seems that no matter what I'm doing, a part of my brain is spinning around to remember what I was doing at this time in 1984.

That's the year my friend Bruce and I took leaves of absence from our jobs and began a cross-country bicycle trek on May 13. …

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More Bike Touring at TransAmerica Bike Tour 1984 …

You can read the journals my friend and I wrote on our 1984 cross-country bicycle tour. See the index at TransAmerican Bicycle Tour.

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Cross-country bike ride on a recumbent

A 58-year-old Virginia farmer has finished his cross-country bike tour from San Diego to St. Augustine from the seat of a recumbent bicycle.

Why a recumbent? Chris Parish, left, says it eased the strain on his neck and arms, which suffer from arthritis. Also, it's the bike he got in a trade for a bale of hay. Why did he do it? “A lot of people ask me that, and I have no good answer.” …

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