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70-year-old begins cross-country bike tour

Bill Cook's blog of his upcoming bicycle tour looks like it could be a good read.

Cook is a retired journalist who is leaving Thursday on a 7-week TransAmerica bike tour with 40 other cyclists. At 70, he's the second oldest on the trip; another fella is 73. …

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Bill Cook

Former Newsweek reporter bicycling cross-country. More at his blog.

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RAAM cyclists roll to the finish

Searing desert heat; stiff Kansas winds; long grades and steep hills; and night after day after night cycling is coming to an end for the bicyclists in the Race Across America.

The teams started rolling across the finish line at the Boardwalk in Atlantic City on Monday, 3,042 miles and about 5 1/2 days after leaving Oceanside, California. The solo riders began coasting across the finish line last night, nine days after leaving the West Coast. …

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Bicycle-crazy bands — Ditty Bops and Kraftwerk — couldn't be more different

The female duo Ditty Bops currently making their way cross-country by bicycle isn't the first band smitten by the bicycling bug.

A love of the bicycle caused German band Kraftwerk to whither creatively for 17 year before reuniting a couple of years ago to create Tour de France Soundtracks.

The love of bikes and cycling has united the Ditty Bops for their road trip. …

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Kraftwerk muscians at concert

Photo from Jan Moesen

Techno band produced Tour de France Soundtracks

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Ditty Bop Abby DeWald in California

Ditty Bops are touring the US by bicycle to promote their new CD, Moon Over the Freeway.

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Ditty Bop Amanda Barrett pauses at store

Ditty Bops on US tour by bicycle to promote their Moon Over the Freeway CD.

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Album cover for Kraftwerks Tour de France Soundtracks

Listen to the album at Kraftwerks website.

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Basso's CSC team names 3 Americans for Tour de France; 5 on other teams

Three Americans are assigned to help Italian cyclist Ivan Basso win the Tour de France bike race for Team CSC this year.

It's at least the second time in the Tour de France for all three. They are Bobby Julich  (right), Christian Vandevelde and the third American ever to wear the yellow jersey, David Zabriskie.

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Armstrong wants anti-doping chief Dick Pound punished

Lance Armstrong is not letting the controversy over last year's doping allegations die quietly.

In response to a report that concluded the World Anti-Doping Agency acted irresponsibly in the mishandling of urine samples from the 1999 Tour de France, Armstrong is seeking discipinary action against WADA chief Dick Pound. (Updated June 22) …

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