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Greg LeMond: Why he testified against Lance Armstrong

Three-time Tour de France champion Greg LeMond told French newspaper L'Equipe on Sunday why he testified against Lance Armstrong in a recent arbitration hearing.

“I was forced to testify, because Lance had threatened me. … He threatened my wife, my business, my life. His biggest threat consisted of saying he would find 10 people to testify that I took EPO. Of course, he didn't find a single one.” Armstrong says the charge is ridiculous.

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Greg LeMond

Greg LeMond, 3 time Tour de France winner. The first American cyclist to win the tour.

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Bed and breakfast inns that cater to bicycle touring

You can always leave that heavy tent and sleeping bag at home on your next bicycle tour if you don't mind parting with some cash. Many bed and breakfast inns are promoting themselves to bicycle tourists as they offer secure bike storage, big breakfasts, laundry facilities and bike trail maps.

I had assumed that most innkeepers would get their knickers in a bunch if I dragged my bike onto the porch and marched into the lobby dripping with sweat, my clothes streaked with chain grease.

That apparently isn't the case for 101 inns …

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Cyclists outside the Norris House Inn

Bicycle tourists pause at the Norris House Inn in Leesburg, Virginia. See the Norris House website for more information.

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Lance Armstrong and doping: more allegations

This is the story that will never die: Did he or didn't he?

The French newspaper Le Monde has reported that Lance Armstrong told doctors treating him for cancer in 1996 that he had taken the blood-boosting agent EPO and other drugs — this before he won his first Tour de France victory in 1999. The sources — former friend, teammate and OLN cycling commentator Frankie Andreu and his wife, Betsy.

An attorney for Armstrong immediately rejected the allegation, citing an affidavit from one of Armstrong's doctors. The seven-time Tour de France champion also rejected the report, calling it absurd. …

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Great Divide mountain bike race — like an off-road RAAM

Now that the last of the Race Across America cyclists have straggled across the finish line in Atlantic City, mountain bikers are leaving Roosville, Montana, for the Great Divide Race at noon Friday.

While the RAAM racers gain our admiration by cycling 3,042 miles cross-country in 9 or 10 days, consider what the Great Divide racers try to accomplish:

With no support or team members, the mountain bikers race from the Canadian to the Mexican border. They cross 2,490 miles of mountain terrain carrying their own gear for cooking, camping and bike repair. The route comprises 200,000 feet of climbing. …

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Great Divide Race

Photo from Tour Divide blog

A mountain bike crosses the Centennial Valley, a dirt route on the fifth day of the Great Divide Race.

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Specialized SW carbon stem with magnesium faceplate recalled

Consumers should stop riding bicycles that use the Specialized SW carbon stem with magnesium faceplate, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission warns.

The carbon stem, manufactured in Taiwan for Specialized Bicycles Components, has a magnesium faceplate that holds the handlebar in place. The faceplate can break, causing the handlebars to come off the bicycle. …

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Bicycles equipped with Specialized SW Carbon Stem

More info at Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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Vinokourov gets good news — he can race in Tour de France

Kazakhstan's Alexandre Vinokourov, last year's number 5 finisher in the Tour de France bike race, can race this year after his team got the go ahead to compete beginning July 1.

Vinokourov's team is Astana Wurth. It was formerly Liberty Seguros-Wurth until a doping scandal convinced the Spanish subsidiary of the Liberty Mutual insurance company to abandon the team. …

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