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Lance Armstrong on RAGBRAI

Here's a snapshot of Lance Armstrong taken during his visit to RAGBRAI 2006, posted at 2 Wheel Commute.

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Logo for California bike ride

Cool logo for Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge 2006

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More bad news for Floyd Landis

Synthetic testosterone was detected in the Floyd Landis urine sample taken after Stage 17 at the Tour de France, an unidentified worker in the Union Cycliste International's anti-doping department told the New York Times.

If true — none of this is official, the latest comes from an unidentified source — it would fly in the face of the Tour de France winner's contention that the high ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone was a natural condition of his physiology. …

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Cycling across the US with terminal cancer

People with serious afflications occasionally bicycle across the US to show that their conditions can be overcome. Few, if any, have biked cross-country with terminal cancer.

But that's what the 42-year-old UK resident Jane Tomlinson is doing. Diagnosed with incurable metastatic breast cancer in 2000, Tomlinson has put the pain and exhaustion behind her and reached the halfway point of her trans-America bike tour. …

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Jane Tomlinson

Jane Tomlinson, a 42-year-old UK resident, is bicycling across the US. She's been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Photo from husband's blog on BBC.

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Trek owner/founder Richard Burke tells all

“C” average college students rejoice! You too can grow up to be head of the largest bicycle company in the US and the second largest in the world with $600 million in sales.

Richard Burke, the chairman of Trek Bicycles, tells Inc. Magazine in the July issue that he didn't really excel in his studies at Marquette University, and he quit his first two jobs right out of college before he was fired. …

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Floyd Landis defends himself on Larry King Show

Since a doping allegation is no frivolous matter in the sport of cycling, Floyd Landis skipped the Jay Leno show Friday night for an interview by Larry King on CNN.

“I'm going to do my best to defend my dignity and my innocence,” the Tour de France winner told King.

Lance Armstrong spoke on the show in support of Landis' character. …

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The good and bad of Seattle bicycle commuting

The Seattle Weekly newspaper takes a look at bicycle commuting this week in an article aptly entitled “Vicious Cycle.”

Reporter David Neiwert is right on target as he writes that even though Seattle has a reputation across the country for being bicycle friendly, that doesn't mean there's plenty of room for improvements. …

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Parking meter in bike rack

Seattle installed 11 of these “bicycle circle” bike racks on old parking meters in the Capitol Hill neighborhood in 2005.

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Photo essay on Tour de France

Danish journalist and photographer Joergen Leth narrates a photo essay on the Tour de France at Magnum Photos.

We're talking 35 mostly black and white images taken over the years of the Tour and its environs. Add a little accordian music for a pleasureable experience. Magnum Photos, a cooperative owned my its photographer members, has …

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