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Levi Leipheimer wins Tour of Germany stage

Looking for a new American cycling hero after Floyd Landis has crashed and burned in his Tour de France doping scandal? Try Levi Leipheimer.

The native Montanan who currently lives in Santa Rosa, California, won Stage 5 of the Tour of Germany on Sunday, moving up to 4th place and getting a chance to duplicate last year's Deutschland overall victory. …

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Floyd Landis sample positive; Phonak fires him

It's a black day in cycling. As most everyone expected, even Floyd Landis, the much-anticipated “B” sample came back positive.

The 30-year-old Tour de France winner was immediately fired by the Phonak team. He'll probably lose his Tour de France championship as well, depending on the action of the US Anti-Doping Agency. …

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LeMond rides in Pan-Mass Challenge bike ride

Greg LeMond is getting out on the road to participate with thousands of recreational cyclists in the Pan-Mass Challenge bicycle tour this weekend.

As Lance Armstrong joined RAGBRAI last week, and George Hincapie is scheduled to ride in the Oregon Wine Country MS150 ride this weekend, LeMond will join 4,000 other cyclists on the nation's biggest fund-raising bike ride. …

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Record rides for human-powered vehicles

The next time you're driving down the freeway, set your cruise control at 54 mph. Glance out the side window at the scenery zipping by. Now imagine doing this under your own power.

Amazing? Now imagine yourself doing this under your own power for an hour. That's what Fred Markham did on an outdoor track in the Arizona desert the day before July Fourth.

Now slow down to 26 mph on a residential street. That's still pretty fast for self propulsion. Could you do that for 24 hours? Greg Kolodziejzyk did, on July 20. …

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Fast Freddy Markham

One-hour world record holder for human-powered vehicle is Fred Markham, riding in the Varna Mephisto. Photo at the Easy Racers website.

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Holy Hincapie! George cycling in Oregon this weekend

If Lance Armstrong could ride RAGBRAI, could George Hincapie be far behind?

Hincapie won't be riding across Iowa, but he will be cycling in Oregon this weekend at the Oregon Wine Country MS 150 Bike Tour. …

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All Floyd Landis, all the time

While we all sit around waiting for the French lab to test “B” sample from the Tour de France, here's what's happening on the Floyd Landis front.

Nothing. But that doesn't stop the flow of information. Here's a news item, a blog about organic chemistry, the reliability of lab tests, Bob Roll asking questions and a video from the Steven Colbert Report:

Landis has hired Howard Jacobs of Los Angeles as his attorney. Jacobs specializes in athlete-doping cases and was Tyler Hamilton's attorney. …

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Carbon fiber dealers target bike makers for higher prices

You probably already knew that good times in the aerospace industry has caused a shortage of carbon fiber. Given the ol' law of supply and demand, that means the price of carbon fiber bikes has gone up.

But did you know that the carbon fiber makers are slammin' the bicycle makers in deference to aerospace giants? This isn't a level playing field. …

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Tour de Napa

Tour de Napa poster.

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Lance Armstrong cycling with the masses

This is one of the best snapshots I've seen from Lance Armstrong's visit to RAGBRAI last week.

It's posted over at 2 Wheel Commute, and the blogger has quite a story to go with the picture.

I don't want to repeat it all here, but let's just say it involves four Bloody Marys. Nice …

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