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Bob Burton pausing in Arizona

Bob Burton of Tacoma died Aug. 8 in Wisconsin while on a cross-county bicycle tour .

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Bob Burton

Bob Burton, a cyclist from Tacoma, Washington, died in Wisconsin on Aug. 8 when he was struck by an automobile

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Thefts from Toronto's post-and-ring bike stands

City officials in Toronto are investigating whether their distinctive post-and-ring bicycle stands have a flaw that enables thieves to steal bike locked to them.

The city has installed some 16,000 of the bike stands since 1985, making them a common landmark of the Toronto streetscape.

But bike thieves may have found a way to break the ring and remove the bike, lock intact.

Toronto's transportation services division issued a press release on Friday seeking information from cyclists who believe their bikes might have been ripped off because of defective post-and-ring. …

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Bike thefts from Totonto bike stands

The City of Toronto's Transportation ServicesDivision is investigating its post-and-ring bicycle stands after recentreports that bike thefts may have involved rings being broken.

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Ride with Lance Armstrong at Race to Replace

If you happen to be in Indianapolis with your bicycle on Saturday, you might want to head down to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to ride with Lance Armstrong in the “Race to Replace.”

“Race to Replace” was initially coined as the slogan to find a Discovery Channel teammate able to lead the team at the 2006 Tour de France after Lance Armstrong's retirement from the sport.

This “Race to Replace” being ridden at the home of the Indy 500 is the public relations and cancer fund-raising event …

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Big Sur Ride logo

Big Sur Ride….held in September in Carmel area.

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Logo for Emigrant Trails ride

Emigrant Trails, northern California.

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3 cross-country bike tours; 3 good causes

Bicyclists are taking to the cross-country highways this year to gain experiences at a slow pace and to promote and raise money for charity.

One awesome example is the Bike for BJ tour.

In high school 10 years ago, friends Nick Blankenburg and Sean Ryan made plans to ride their bicycles cross-country. Before they could accomplish that goal, however, Blankenburg was injured in a car accident at age 17 that left him paralyzed from the chest down. …

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Bike for BJ on the road in Texas

Nick Blankenburg, left, and Sean Ryan are pictured with one of the many friends they've made along their way across the southern tier of states from San Diego to St. Augustine.

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Three leaving Virginia

Dominic Smith, Marcyanna Johnson and Andy Robinson are prepared to leave on their cross-country trip. Johnson is riding just the first part of the bike tour. More at the Great American Bicycle Adventure.

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