Author's posts

North Carolina's “Bicycle Man” has to pack up and move

A long-simmering dispute between Moses Mathis, who has given away thousands of bikes to kids, and the Fayetteville-Cumberland County Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee has boiled over.

The King committee has sold a warehouse that Mathis leased for $1 to an Atlanta-based company that builds affordable housing for college students. Mathis has 90 days to vacate. …

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The signs of (bicycling) life on the Olympic Peninsula

You might say I don't get out much, but I saw some bicycle signs that were new to me during my bicycle tour of Washington State's Olympic Peninsula last week.

The one posted above — “Winter Storm Trail Bypass” — directs travellers to an alternative route on the Olympic Discovery Trail near Port Angeles. Apparently winter storms roaring down the Strait of Juan de Fuca can make this upper gravel path dangerous. …

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Flashing lights for cyclists on US Highway 101 in Olympic National Park

US Highway 101 narrows to a two-lane roadway along the southern shore of Lake Crescent in the Olympic National Park. Cyclists can punch the button to activate the flashing signal, warning motorists — the log-haulers — that a cyclist is up ahead.

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Paris Mountain map

How to get to the US Cycling Pro Championship ascent on Paris Mountain.

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The peloton on Paris Mountain

Bidulos at caught this picture of the peloton struggling up Paris Mountain for the first lap of US Cycling Pro Championships road race in 2006.

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The other TdF — the Tour de Force bike ride

You'll probably see news reports about the Tour de Force bicycle ride from New York City to Washington DC sometime over the weekend.

Beginning Friday, about 100 police officers from around the US will hop on their bicycles at Ground Zero in New York City and begin a 265-mile bike ride down the East Coast to the Pentagon in Washington DC. …

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Terminal cancer patient finishes cross-country bike tour

Jane Tomlinson wants people to know that even someone with terminal cancer can live a full life. That idea brought her to the US to ride her bicycle cross-country.

Since doctors diagnosed the 42-year-old mother with metabolic breast cancer six years ago and gave her six months to live, she's been competing in marathons and triathlons, sometimes while undergoing chemotherapy. …

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Logo for Tour de Force

A memorial ride for 9/11 from New York City to Pentagon.

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10 bike touring lessons learned and re-learned on the Olympic Peninsula

I attached my gear-loaded trailer and front panniers to the bicycle last week and headed down the driveway for the Olympic Peninsula. As you can see from this first-night self-portrait at Chimacum about 10 hours later, it was going to be a good trip.

It had been quite a few years since the last time I loaded up the bike for a self-supported tour, and this trip reminded me about some things I had learned from earlier trips: …

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Basic one-pot meal

Boil elbow macaroni; add other stuff.

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